Rescued Fish Help?

It appears from the emergencies section of common fish treatments that "Metrozol" is a treatment for HITH. Would see if you could find some of this and start treating per directions asap. Its good to catch this before things get out of control.

Also... to your feeding question, when young, I like to feed everyday with a good amount to fill them up. As they grow however, I will slow it down to maybe everyday or sometimes let them go three days without food. As they get older... their growth slows down so their caloric intake needed is less... just like humans... so its better not to feed them everyday when past their juve stage or they can start gaining noticable weight. Not that I have anything against being chubby and jovial (I could afford to lose some weight too) but its def more healthy to keep the fish "well fed" instead of overfed and hence become sluggish.

Ox :good:
can i buy metrozol online? i dont know what the belgian equivilent would be
I would assume if you search on google for it, you will find an online supplier. hopefully they express mail you some within a day or so too... Sorry I cant help more then this, never actually treated HITH myself... have just seen it in the lfs and talked with them how they were treating it.... come to think of it, I dont even think I asked what they were using medication wise...

Ox :unsure:
quick update - Waldorf and Statler are in their tank! along with flash, dino, bob and scar the catfish. their colours are starting to return too! the black is back all over (nearly) and hopefully the yellow will return too! will post pics when i get chance, weekends are hectic for me so it may be monday before i get them up xxxx
ok some quick pics of the fishes now they are finally in the tank!!!







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