Severum + Jd


Fish Fanatic
Sep 19, 2007
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hey guys i have a 4-5 inch green severum in a 55 gallon tank. I was wondering if I could get an electric blue jd as tank mate. Ive heard that electric blue JDs are a little more docile then regular jds, and thats why I was wondering if it would work. Thanks in advance
I would say the JD would be ok in there with the severum. Both get a good size, so you may have to get a larger tank in the future, but 55 gallon would definetly do fine for a good while. What size would the JD be when you get it? They are awesome looking fish too.
I have a full grown adult male JD with two semi-Juve sevs (~3-3.5") right now. They get along fine and with you interested in a EBJD, its should work fine as the EB's are usually less aggressive than their common species cousins. As Ripley said, maybe they will be good for a month or so... but i would def upgrade to atleast a 90G in the next month or two. The JD can reach 7-8" but the sev can get even bigger than that and both could be territorial. Plus, with spending the extra money on the EBJD (usually $20-25 per specimen compared to $2-3 for a normal JD) I wouldnt want the sev to turn around one day and kill the JD cause there wasn't enough space and territory in the tank.

If you do try to introduce the EBJD, make sure it is of roughly equal size and you should change around the decor of the tank and do a good sized wc (~40-50%). This will make things new for both fish and give them even footings to claim territory.

If aggression occurs still, which it will... they are cichlids and will have atleast some minor squabbles, and it seems like its getting a little out of hand, do not hesitate to remove the EBJD. Have a second tank or a aggreement with the lfs to take it back or else you will end up with a dead fish...

Ox :good:
Thanks for all the great info.. I dont have the time right now to go and get a 90 gallon and set it up so I may wait a while to do something with those two. I have a 120 with 5 juvenile frontosas in it, and once they outgrow that tank I will most likely move the severum into it and maybe get the ebjd. I will let you guys know how things end up.
The 120 would be perfect. and you could prob add one or two more specimens in that tank as well (or maybe just some dithers to give movement and more color to the tank)

Ox :good:
I have a full grown adult male JD with two semi-Juve sevs (~3-3.5") right now. They get along fine and with you interested in a EBJD, its should work fine as the EB's are usually less aggressive than their common species cousins. As Ripley said, maybe they will be good for a month or so... but i would def upgrade to atleast a 90G in the next month or two. The JD can reach 7-8" but the sev can get even bigger than that and both could be territorial. Plus, with spending the extra money on the EBJD (usually $20-25 per specimen compared to $2-3 for a normal JD) I wouldnt want the sev to turn around one day and kill the JD cause there wasn't enough space and territory in the tank.

If you do try to introduce the EBJD, make sure it is of roughly equal size and you should change around the decor of the tank and do a good sized wc (~40-50%). This will make things new for both fish and give them even footings to claim territory.

If aggression occurs still, which it will... they are cichlids and will have atleast some minor squabbles, and it seems like its getting a little out of hand, do not hesitate to remove the EBJD. Have a second tank or a aggreement with the lfs to take it back or else you will end up with a dead fish...

Ox :good:
this is a good way to do things but if you can't find a ebjd that's close to the same size get a really small one. As long as it can't be eaten the smaller the better. In my experience, cichlids only get aggresive with potential rivals. if a fish is too big to eat but too small to be a rival they will ignore it.
I would say the JD would be ok in there with the severum. Both get a good size, so you may have to get a larger tank in the future, but 55 gallon would definetly do fine for a good while. What size would the JD be when you get it? They are awesome looking fish too.

55 gallons should be big enough for the 2 of them, both fish hit roughly 8-10 inches, more along the lines of 8 though.
Sorry for the hijack but I have noticed on several occasions that members give conflicting opinions on what size tank is suitable for what size fish(es).

When we are talking gallons, are we all singing from the same hyme sheet so to speak i.e. imperial gallons or (as I am guessing) some of the members from US / Canada may be talking US Gallons.

Apologies for the hijack but I think this is important as there is around 1.2 US gallons to a UK gallon, so for Example a 55 G UK tank = 66 US G.

Sorry if I have got this all wrong, but thought I would like to get this out for people to discuss as it can make a difference in fish recomendations etc.


Bricko :good:
Tobiagara is right... I purchsed two juve sevs, each roughly 1" and placed them in with my adult mal JD 8". He has not payed too much attention to them as of yet and they are roughly 3.5" now. He will snap at them a little during feeding just as they forget where they are begin to float towards his log, but a quick move by the JD and everything in the tank runs to the other end of the tank, so no actual damage is done.

I agree it can be confusing for some when a volume of "75" or something is given. is it liters, gallons? US or UK? Over the last few days I have tried to use slomething like 120G US to make sure everybody knows what size Im saying. And a 55G US is too small for a JD and sev because they don't grow to the same size. sevs reach 12" whil JD's max at 8". so a typ 55G is 12 and 3/4" wide which gives the sev barely an inch to turn around... so a 70 or 90G with being 18" wide gives more turning room as well as more water volume to dilute waste and more floor space to claim territory.

Ox :good:

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