Rescued Fish Help?

well we finally have the tank in place after 6 hours of struggling and three peoples power!!! its massive and takes up the majority of the room lol! so now we shall be scrubbing the rocks and deco bits then start filling it tomorrow. sheesh what a job!!!!

have been reading up on oscars and a few sites said its possible to keep to 'calm' oscars together?

these two seem rather close, is it possible they could be a couple?
Most bath tubs are full of soap and other cleaning agents ... I hope your using water conditioner in there at least. Good luck!
now this probably is very stupid and i'm probably missing something BUT

the OP said the tank is 2 metres long, which equates to around 6.5 feet, which is surely big enough to hold an oscar?
orange shark i think (hope) its big enough for the two and the catfish!!! its blooming huge!!!!!!!!!!

tim - baths are only full of cleaning stuff/soap if you dont rinse them properely after bathing! the bath was boiled and rinsed before they were put in and conditioner is added to the water for all my fish.
and as promised here is the tank, its coming up a treat, just a few more rinses i think and the stand needs a bit of work but its getting there.


the oscars should be fine in that big space,they will be able to go their own ways in times of trouble, mine used to look all cosy and snuggle up together, they do it when they are stressed, i mean whatever they do to eachother(( and boy did they fight!! i have only 1 now)) cant be as bad as what you may be going to do (they have no idea whats comming next),they will also lie on their sides and may even appear "dead" for a while -even a few hours when they go back into the tank,they are big sulky fish, who like what they are used to, but in your oscars case the change will do them the world of good,theirs not much more you can do now apart from what you are doing, and i really hope that a in few days we fotos of these beautiful fish back on track :)

your an amazing person, keep up the excellent work
shelagh xxxxx

just saw the tank, it going great :)
ive never sweated as much as i have these past two days getting that thing sorted. we had to hire a lifting machine in the end to get it inside, it wouldnt fit through the front door!!!!!!! had to lift it onto the balcony and through the balcony doors, gosh was i laughing!

i will try and take pics daily to chart their road to recovery. and will of course post them here when i can. its great to know that they lie on there sides, they were doing that a lot yesterday and i thought they were dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all i need now is names!!

was thinking either oscar and wilde
or ben and jerry!

do you know a good website with info on oscars? ive done some googling but all the sites seem to have conflicting advice over what they need/eat/space/tank mates etc. just wondered was there a worthy one you know of?
ben and jerry .... lovely ! :) there is a good site but im not allowed to post it on here ill pm you my email address and if you email me ill send it to you xxxx
wow... can't say I approve of the previous owners color choice on that stand... looks a treat though and do keep us updated spish. Im sure they will turn around, as said before, they are quite hardy. Good Luck

Ox :good:
i love the pink colour but a) my other half doesnt like it and b) it looks odd in that room as nothing in there is pink! so we have agreed on black.
oh dear there was an oscar naming debate??

i think i may stick with ben and jerry!!
Yep we have just finished a HUGE debate, and the oscar ended up being called Sushi! I dont think Shel will ever recover from the shock........

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