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  1. HazardousBlue

    The What Fish Next Question

    thanks for the reply - I understand what you are saying and somewhat agree with you, but the starting fish choice wasn't my idea, but had to go with it. The fish seem happy, they tend to stick to the middle or bottom of the tank unless it feeding time then it is top frenzy. The BiUbe may be...
  2. HazardousBlue

    The What Fish Next Question

    I believe and have seen discussion on this, but it would be fine. LFS also confirmed this for the BiUbe
  3. HazardousBlue

    The What Fish Next Question

    I have a BiUbe 30 litre tank. It has been setup since early may. 2x Zebra Danios 2x Golden Danios 3x White Clouds 3x Neon Tetras I have a budget of 3 more fish to add, but I am not sure what to get. Add 1 each Zebra and Golden and a cherry Shrimp ? Add more Neons ? Any suggestions ? Thanks.
  4. HazardousBlue

    Slimmy Brown Stuff

    4 months old - just started a few weeks back. Will keep an eye on it. Cheers
  5. HazardousBlue

    Slimmy Brown Stuff

    Hi guys, I have been running my BiUbe for a while now - everything seems to be going well. It has 2 Zebra danios, 3 mountain clowns and a couple of golden zebra danios. The water recently tested had both ammonia and nitrite at zero - with nitrate at 40. I am now seeing brown slimy stuff...
  6. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    well I have Ammonia at 0 and Nitrite hovering around 0.25 :-) Thanks to all for the help I got over this - still have all the "super" fish ! One question though, the fish still seem to spend time at the top of the tank - rarely dropping to mid range - The Zebras tend to be more adventurous...
  7. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    Okay, so after numerous water changes I am getting the Nitrite down - the fish are still there!! So my next question is this. At these high levels I can only assume some stress on the fish. Is there anything I do or give them that will help them perk up ? As I have said before, there is no...
  8. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    Just done a change - will let it settle and then do another that clears out the system. Will let you know ! Thanks
  9. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    nothing really - just some plastic plants....
  10. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    thanks. just so I know, if and when I get it down to safe levels- and then find it rising, what would be the cause - I wouldn't have thought the fish would be producing that much ? Thanks for all your help
  11. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    So I think either my tank is screwed, or I have lots of changes to do... 20 % - 5+ 10% actual reading :hyper: 1 So there be lots of nitrite.... :( Water changes only, or is there anything else ? Should I stop feeding ?
  12. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    Ok, a little update. I have done 2 changes around 40 % last night and this morning Ammonia 0 Nitrite 5+ -- basically no shift Nitrate 5 PH 8.0 -- is this too high ? Tap Nitrite 0. So I have no idea - I can't believe the Nitrite can be SO high still. I would imagine the fish would be dead...
  13. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    thanks for all the help - I will post some more readings later when I get back from work (didn't want to appear rude for not replying). As for the test, and the fish conditions, I agree I thought they would be smoke, but they seem pretty happy swimming around.
  14. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    so why with these five fish, would nitrite get so high - I wouldn't have thought it would get so high ?
  15. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    I have done another water change (50%)- there appears no change in the values (or colour) Nitrate is at 20. I am using API Stress Coat. Cheers, HB.
  16. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    I have been doing 30-40% twice a week.
  17. HazardousBlue

    Nitrite Reading

    I am using the API master test kit, and find it very hard to tell if nitrite is 1 or 5. I showed each member of my family what they thought and got a 50:50 split. Others have this issue ? So whilst I am at it, I have a reading of zero Ammonia, and 1 or 5 for Nitrite , 40 for nitrate. No...
  18. HazardousBlue

    Lfs In The Southampton/portsmouth Area

    Great thanks - Abbey is just down the road ! I will keep Arundel in mind as I pop down there from time to time
  19. HazardousBlue

    Lfs In The Southampton/portsmouth Area

    Anyone recommend shops in the soton/pompey area. The one I have been using (not naming names..) well aren't the sharpest knives - even being an amateur I knew more than them. So any recommendations ? Cheers/
  20. HazardousBlue

    Food Advice

    Ah the microwave trick.. After the initial post a few have started to head butt it a little, so the soften approach might just work !! Cheers!
  21. HazardousBlue

    Food Advice

    so far the cucumber is not being a great hit - some double looks, but that's about it from the fish - what next from the fridge will I try ?
  22. HazardousBlue

    Ten Gallon Tank

    for a 10 gallon tank - I would say you are pushing a little too far. Some community fish yes - anything else I think you will struggle
  23. HazardousBlue

    Food Advice

    Excellent - thanks !
  24. HazardousBlue

    Food Advice

    do most fish like vegetables like cucumber ?
  25. HazardousBlue

    Food Advice

    Hi all, After my recent trip to the local fish centre, I ended up buying 3 white clouds to go with the 3 Zebra Danios. They all look good and are getting to know each other. Now I have been reading a few place about dietary requirements. Currently I am feeding them micro pellets that the...
  26. HazardousBlue

    Biube - What Fish Next

    checking them out now !! Thanks for your replies
  27. HazardousBlue

    Biube - What Fish Next

    umm - the minnows look like a good bet ! Cheers
  28. HazardousBlue

    Biube - What Fish Next

    yes I have the API water test kit, I don't have the numbers to hand, but the levels were all pretty good. Yeah, I went for Danios for the hardiness. Hadn't considered rasbora - are these hardy fish ? The biube was the last resort due to space - its shape help fit solve the problem. So far...
  29. HazardousBlue

    Biube - What Fish Next

    my sons want guppies - but I am not convinced. As for help - I am pretty much doing what the leaflet told me - and it has been working for me. The Zebras seem to like the environment. Water changes are fairly simple - but keep an eye out for getting filters online, and get some bottles of the...
  30. HazardousBlue

    Biube - What Fish Next

    It is a 35litre version of the BiUbe, and I am doing fish in cycling - essentially following the instructions that came with the kit.
  31. HazardousBlue

    Biube - What Fish Next

    Hi, I have had my BiUbe up and running for a month now, and I have three Zebra Danios in there. They seem to be happy with life. In the next week or so, I will be ready for the next batch of fish. I really don't know what to go for. Even though I like the Zebras I would like something with...
  32. HazardousBlue


    Hi, At the moment I only have three zebra danios in my BiUbe. When purchased the assistant gave me some food and said once a day, every other day. So at feeding, I found the food too big for their mouths, and went for some micro pellets which they die for. Now on both packets it says 2-3...
  33. HazardousBlue


    try this thread HB
  34. HazardousBlue

    Fish Ideas

    I have to say that I like the look of these fish - very pretty
  35. HazardousBlue

    Fish Ideas

    so if I have around a 12 fish limit - what would you guys recommend for a nice environment ?
  36. HazardousBlue

    Fish Ideas

    do cardinals need a mature tank ?
  37. HazardousBlue

    Fish Ideas

    Hi, I have a Biube (9 Gallon) up and running with 3 Zebra Danios - all seems to be going well at the moment. I would like to ask for suggestions for next couple of fish to add to make a good addition to the current danios. I have a few weeks to wait before adding them, but I wanted to get an...
  38. HazardousBlue

    Biube/biorb Help

    oh good tip on the half filter trick ! What fish died ? What was the cause, wrong levels ?
  39. HazardousBlue

    Biube/biorb Help

    Good tip, thanks !