The What Fish Next Question


New Member
May 21, 2009
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I have a BiUbe 30 litre tank. It has been setup since early may.

2x Zebra Danios
2x Golden Danios
3x White Clouds
3x Neon Tetras

I have a budget of 3 more fish to add, but I am not sure what to get. Add 1 each Zebra and Golden and a cherry Shrimp ? Add more Neons ?

Any suggestions ?

dont u think 13 fish in 8 us gallons is a bit crowded?
Hi, unfortunately your BiUbe is not the best tank for those fish. Which LFS said this unfortunately I would disagree with what the LFS said and I know there are many others here that would agree with me. The problem with a BiUbe is the surface area, a square tank will always have less surface area than a square tank so there will be less oxygen in your water as opposed to a similar tank of an other brand. BiUbes are "fashion" tanks and I know they look great but as far as practicality for fish keeping goes its an 8 gallon tank with room for about 5 gallons of fish.

If your tank has been working this long ok fair enough keep it as it is. But I wouldnt add any more fish or shrimp to this tank as it is. Just out of interest do your fish breathe from the surface very often? Or do they hang out there quite a lot?

One other thing I cant understand, if your LFS have advised you to get your current stocking I would say to start reading about your fish more and listen to your LFS less. All your fish are shoaling fish so at the moment you have 2x Zebra Danios, 2x Golden Danios, 3x White Clouds and 3x Neon Tetras but all of these fish need to be in bigger groups. Ok so you want more than one type of fish in your tank but really in a tank that small you should have done 5 of one or 5 of the other So maybe something like 5x neon and 5x white cloud. Danio are really active fish and deserve a much bigger tank with more length to enjoy but they are often sold for small tanks. In my opinion in the biube you should have just done 5 of one and left it at that.

I think there are much better suited fish for your tank than any of the ones you have in that tank. If it were my tank I would have maybe 3 Pygmy Gourami and then start with 6 Cherry shrimp and they will breed and add more to the tank for you. Or 6 micro rasbora and the 6 starting shrimp - the micro rasbora gets to about half the size of the other schooling fish and the shrimp produce such little waste their numbers will work.

Sorry to be so harsh and you could choose to completely ignore me and listen to your LFS but I hope I've helped and you've understood whats been said.
Wills :)
thanks for the reply - I understand what you are saying and somewhat agree with you, but the starting fish choice wasn't my idea, but had to go with it. The fish seem happy, they tend to stick to the middle or bottom of the tank unless it feeding time then it is top frenzy. The BiUbe may be impractical, but it solved a particular need for us, and currently it is bringing lots of enjoyment for the kids.
Agree with what Wills has said, I certainly wouldnt add anymore fish as the tank is overstocked as it is. Please dont listen to your lfs, stick around this forum and you will soon realise that 95% of lfs will tell you anything to make a sale, at the end of the day, they are out to make money, full stop.

I certainly agree about the danios, I have zebra danios in a 33 gallon tank and wouldnt even think about putting them in anything smaller, the are extremely active fish and require plenty of swimming space.

The biube would have been perfect for a nice betta splendens and a small group of shrimp or pygmy corys.


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