Food Advice


New Member
May 21, 2009
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Hi all,

After my recent trip to the local fish centre, I ended up buying 3 white clouds to go with the 3 Zebra Danios. They all look good and are getting to know each other. Now I have been reading a few place about dietary requirements. Currently I am feeding them micro pellets that the Zebras seem to like and go crazy over. But I have heard they like live food as well.

So my question, is what is the best type of food for these fish - keep the micro pellets and add some spice ? If so what ?

i feed my fish frozen bloodworms every 3/4 days as a treat and they go mad for it. there are a variety of frozen products and they are relativley cheap and last quite a while. i was warned off live foods as you dont know whats in the water you are adding to the tank they are supplied in..... someone might be able to correct me on this but just letting you know what i was told. when i feed the bloodworms i hit the frozen cube to break them up a bit as most my fish are still quite small still, they looked a bit miffed when i added them whole as i think they were too large for them.....

This time of year I check every small container that has any rain water in it looking for mosquito larvae. Your fish will go crazy for them.
Give your fish a varied diet, most fish are partial to:

Garden Peas (boil them for a minute then take off the shells and feed them the middle part)

Feeding vegetable matter as mentioned above helps to keep the fish from becoming constipated and keeps them going to the toilet regularly

Better not to feed live foods as this can introduce parasites to your fish. Frozen is also more convenient, and if you buy a few different types more variety for your fish. Just leave a frozen cube to stand for 10 minutes then add a little at a time until they lose interest. This way you wont have food rotting and polluting your water.
Better not to feed live foods as this can introduce parasites to your fish. Frozen is also more convenient, and if you buy a few different types more variety for your fish. Just leave a frozen cube to stand for 10 minutes then add a little at a time until they lose interest. This way you wont have food rotting and polluting your water.

do most fish like vegetables like cucumber ?
Yes most fish will eat cucumber.

If you cut about a 1-2 inch section dependant on how many fish you have, then cut it in half down the length exposing the middle and put one half in the tank.

I tend to put mine in cold but you can put it in the microwave for 10-20 secs to soften it a little if you wish, you can then hold it down by either sticking a spoon of fork in it and digging it in to your gravel of you can buy a 'screwcumber' which is available on ebay and is a little screw shaped metal fruit holder which you 'screw' through the middle of the beg to weigh it down.

Check this link: Screwcumber

Make sure you remove the cucumber before it begins to rot, I normally put mine into the tank on a nightime and take out whats left in the morning.

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Yes most fish will eat cucumber.

If you cut about a 1-2 inch section dependant on how many fish you have, then cut it in half down the length exposing the middle and put one half in the tank.

I tend to put mine in cold but you can put it in the microwave for 10-20 secs to soften it a little if you wish, you can then hold it down by either sticking a spoon of fork in it and digging it in to your gravel of you can buy a 'screwcumber' which is available on ebay and is a little screw shaped metal fruit holder which you 'screw' through the middle of the beg to weigh it down.

Check this link: Screwcumber

Make sure you remove the cucumber before it begins to rot, I normally put mine into the tank on a nightime and take out whats left in the morning.


Excellent - thanks !
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Fish are like people - some will like it some wont. Experiment with a variety of veg and fruit and you will soon find out! For instance i used to have a dwarf gourami who adored banana! :lol:
The best diet is a varied diet. Feeding a variety of foods including live/frozen and prepared foods will go a long way towards your fish's health and color.
The best diet is a varied diet. Feeding a variety of foods including live/frozen and prepared foods will go a long way towards your fish's health and color.

so far the cucumber is not being a great hit - some double looks, but that's about it from the fish - what next from the fridge will I try ?
Peas are normally a good choice but you have to boil then for a minture then take off the shells.

Wait a few days and try cucumber again. Put it in microwave for 20 secs to soften it. It took a few times until my fish got used to the cucumber being in the tank and they love it now, they may just have been a bit wary

Peas are normally a good choice but you have to boil then for a minture then take off the shells.

Wait a few days and try cucumber again. Put it in microwave for 20 secs to soften it. It took a few times until my fish got used to the cucumber being in the tank and they love it now, they may just have been a bit wary


Ah the microwave trick.. After the initial post a few have started to head butt it a little, so the soften approach might just work !!
my danios love frozen brine shrimp, but aren't too big on zucchini or other veges.

If you really want them to get some vegetabe matter try algae wafers, the danios always eat it when I throw one in for my american flag fish

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