Fish Ideas


New Member
May 21, 2009
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Hi, I have a Biube (9 Gallon) up and running with 3 Zebra Danios - all seems to be going well at the moment. I would like to ask for suggestions for next couple of fish to add to make a good addition to the current danios. I have a few weeks to wait before adding them, but I wanted to get an idea of what to go with - something perhaps with a little more colour :)

Thanks !

Hi, I have a Biube (9 Gallon) up and running with 3 Zebra Danios - all seems to be going well at the moment. I would like to ask for suggestions for next couple of fish to add to make a good addition to the current danios. I have a few weeks to wait before adding them, but I wanted to get an idea of what to go with - something perhaps with a little more colour :)

Thanks !


a couple slower fish. cardinal tetras and mollies are decent.
To be honest, I wouldnt put mollies in a 9 gallon tank they could grow too big!


do cardinals need a mature tank ?
Correct, they do better being introduced to a 4 to 6 month mature tank unrelated to the cycle. The size shoal that cardinals like might push your stocking limit if you want other fish...

To be honest, I wouldnt put mollies in a 9 gallon tank they could grow too big!


do cardinals need a mature tank ?
Correct, they do better being introduced to a 4 to 6 month mature tank unrelated to the cycle. The size shoal that cardinals like might push your stocking limit if you want other fish...


so if I have around a 12 fish limit - what would you guys recommend for a nice environment ?
I also started out with a couple zebra danios to cycle my 10 gallon tank. I dread on this forum that they need more room than a ten gallon, so I slowly added a small school of 5 glowlight danios (which only grow to about an inch, half the size of a zebra danio) after the tank was cycled. They get along great with the zebras, just a little more shy. They are amazing! So colorful, yellow, red, blue, green etc. Google them, I think they would be a wise decision because they don't need as much room as zebras apparently, but they are very compatible with what you already have IMO.
no, they're not tetras, but glowlight danios (also sometimes confused with Glo-fish, which of course are genetically modified zebras)

more properly known as danio choprae
The info I've found states that glowlights grow up to 1"-1.25", whereas a zebra grows up to 2". They also prefer a well-planted tank, and they certainly like to play amongst the plants in my tank.

They are definately more shy though, but I'm a noobie and only have had them for a month or so.

They are hardy like most danios as well, which may suit them more to beginners like me than neon testras and the like

I think they're great, but perhaps some people may find them harder to find, maybe because they don't breed as easily as zebras. I've only found them in one LFS here.
The info I've found states that glowlights grow up to 1"-1.25", whereas a zebra grows up to 2". They also prefer a well-planted tank, and they certainly like to play amongst the plants in my tank.

They are definately more shy though, but I'm a noobie and only have had them for a month or so.

They are hardy like most danios as well, which may suit them more to beginners like me than neon testras and the like

I think they're great, but perhaps some people may find them harder to find, maybe because they don't breed as easily as zebras. I've only found them in one LFS here.

I have to say that I like the look of these fish - very pretty

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