Biube - What Fish Next


New Member
May 21, 2009
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I have had my BiUbe up and running for a month now, and I have three Zebra Danios in there. They seem to be happy with life. In the next week or so, I will be ready for the next batch of fish. I really don't know what to go for. Even though I like the Zebras I would like something with a little more colour. I believe tetras should be left to near the end of the cycle and a mature tank.

What would be your recommendations ?

What size tank is the BiUbe? Can't really offer any stocking idea's til we know how big it is ? Are you doing a fishin cycle or is tank already cycled?

What size tank is the BiUbe? Can't really offer any stocking idea's til we know how big it is ? Are you doing a fishin cycle or is tank already cycled?


It is a 35litre version of the BiUbe, and I am doing fish in cycling - essentially following the instructions that came with the kit.

I have had my BiUbe up and running for a month now, and I have three Zebra Danios in there. They seem to be happy with life. In the next week or so, I will be ready for the next batch of fish. I really don't know what to go for. Even though I like the Zebras I would like something with a little more colour. I believe tetras should be left to near the end of the cycle and a mature tank.

What would be your recommendations ?

Hi- I am a newbie so can't offer much constructive advice, but im trying to cycle and get going ! I have a biube too (and would like guppies in it! when ready) so any biube tips much appreciated, and have you thought about having guppies.......

my sons want guppies - but I am not convinced.

As for help - I am pretty much doing what the leaflet told me - and it has been working for me. The Zebras seem to like the environment. Water changes are fairly simple - but keep an eye out for getting filters online, and get some bottles of the chemicals and not the kits for BiUbe - I think it is a little pricey.
If your doing a fish in cycle i wouldnt add any more fish for a while - I know the biube book will recommend it but Aqua one (the manufacturer) has a bit of a bad record for bad advice on fish housing, especialy if you have seen the latest PFK, but this way is not really that safe for the fish and is pretty likely to kill them or set in disease through stress, though some people get away with it and the danio you have are well known for being hardy fish. How ever since its been up a month I imagine its probably done now - do you have any of the water testing kits? Like the API ones that will let you know if your tanks doing good.

But in the long run good fish for the biUbe to go with the danios would maybe add more of them to the school top it up to 6? Think the problem you might run into with danio in this tank is that they are quite a large small fish and also quite active so to be fair to them it might be an idea just to stick to them or rehome them and start with new smaller schooling fish such as a micro rasbora which stay pretty small and stick around half an inch with large ones being an inch and a half where as generaly danio can get to 2.5 inch easy. This way you could get a feature fish like a betta or a honey or dwarf gourami and a school of 4-5 of the micro rasbora. These micro rasbora come in a variety of fish that you can easily get from an aquatics dealer but probably not from the chain stores. Or an other options could be livebearers like guppies or platies but the amount of babies can get ridiculous especially in a small tank.
Hope ive helped :) Wills
you could get the gold version of the white-cloud mountain minnow, they dont look as bland as the natural colour and they're quite hardy

you tend to find now that guppies are quite week due to all the inbreeding they do to make them colourful, you could go for endlers instead as theyre a bit hardier and smaller than regular guppies
If your doing a fish in cycle i wouldnt add any more fish for a while - I know the biube book will recommend it but Aqua one (the manufacturer) has a bit of a bad record for bad advice on fish housing, especialy if you have seen the latest PFK, but this way is not really that safe for the fish and is pretty likely to kill them or set in disease through stress, though some people get away with it and the danio you have are well known for being hardy fish. How ever since its been up a month I imagine its probably done now - do you have any of the water testing kits? Like the API ones that will let you know if your tanks doing good.

But in the long run good fish for the biUbe to go with the danios would maybe add more of them to the school top it up to 6? Think the problem you might run into with danio in this tank is that they are quite a large small fish and also quite active so to be fair to them it might be an idea just to stick to them or rehome them and start with new smaller schooling fish such as a micro rasbora which stay pretty small and stick around half an inch with large ones being an inch and a half where as generaly danio can get to 2.5 inch easy. This way you could get a feature fish like a betta or a honey or dwarf gourami and a school of 4-5 of the micro rasbora. These micro rasbora come in a variety of fish that you can easily get from an aquatics dealer but probably not from the chain stores. Or an other options could be livebearers like guppies or platies but the amount of babies can get ridiculous especially in a small tank.
Hope ive helped :) Wills

yes I have the API water test kit, I don't have the numbers to hand, but the levels were all pretty good. Yeah, I went for Danios for the hardiness. Hadn't considered rasbora - are these hardy fish ?

The biube was the last resort due to space - its shape help fit solve the problem. So far so good, and thanks for the suggestions.
you could get the gold version of the white-cloud mountain minnow, they dont look as bland as the natural colour and they're quite hardy

you tend to find now that guppies are quite week due to all the inbreeding they do to make them colourful, you could go for endlers instead as theyre a bit hardier and smaller than regular guppies

umm - the minnows look like a good bet ! Cheers
you could get the gold version of the white-cloud mountain minnow, they dont look as bland as the natural colour and they're quite hardy

you tend to find now that guppies are quite week due to all the inbreeding they do to make them colourful, you could go for endlers instead as theyre a bit hardier and smaller than regular guppies

umm - the minnows look like a good bet ! Cheers

have you looked at endlers?
you could get the gold version of the white-cloud mountain minnow, they dont look as bland as the natural colour and they're quite hardy

you tend to find now that guppies are quite week due to all the inbreeding they do to make them colourful, you could go for endlers instead as theyre a bit hardier and smaller than regular guppies

umm - the minnows look like a good bet ! Cheers

have you looked at endlers?

checking them out now !!

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