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  1. H

    Very Small Black Peppered Cory

    Make sure he's getting enough food, everyone else might be hogging it before he can get any.
  2. H

    Parrot Fish

    Not sure man, i've only had mine about a year and they haven't grown too much. I've seen them at around 11 inches, most top out around 7 or 8, power feed them some good foods and they'll grow :D.
  3. H

    Parrot Fish

    Depending on the fish they can mix with anything. I've had mine with very small peaceful fish and very aggressive fish my two parrots payed them no mind, it really depends on the individual parrot. My parrots are with... drawf gouramis,tinfoil barbs,3spot gouramis,corys,jack dempsey,severum...
  4. H


    If their personality is anything like a parrot that would make a good reason alone to get one IMO.
  5. H

    I Executed My Molly

    It all boils down to this, you always have the choice, show compassion or not. That's how we know good people from bad people, good people show compassion because they have a CONSCIENCE, good people just don't do or say certain things because they would feel bad about it afterwards. People are...
  6. H

    What Type Of Cory Is This? (picture)

    Well, I think petsmart is the worst for selling fish of the wrong name to people. They take care of the fish at mine but they always sell the wrong fish. They sold me a JD as a convict, they sold me a redtail tinfoil barb as a regular one, a brevirostris as a peppered (no complaints here though...
  7. H

    What Type Of Cory Is This? (picture)

    I always assumed it was a peppered, I think it's something else though after looking at some pics. .
  8. H

    What Type Of Cories Are These?

    Hmm, I think I have one of those, thats mine in the pic, is it the same as that one? Hard to tell from the pic but mines pretty big. Does it have a common name?
  9. H

    Fish Sold To Me As Convict (pictures Added)

    Well, I followed your advice about giving him more places to hide, I got him a bunch of nice fake plants today. But, I went to the petsmart I got him from (the JD) and told the lady that sold it to me that she had some jack Dempsey in the wrong tank and that she sold me the wrong fish, she tells...
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    Smelly Water, Pew.

    I do, but they don't seem to like it much, the parrots have such big bellies I have to use too many flakes for them to get a good amount. Should I try pellets maybe?
  11. H

    Smelly Water, Pew.

    B)-->QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 11 2007, 07:09 PM) 1687669 That must be a cool tank.... I don't have any of the same fish that you have, but in reading what you've posted, I have to think it has to do with the food. I can't say whether or not you're overfeeding. If the foods not gone within a couple of...
  12. H

    Smelly Water, Pew.

    pH:7.8 Ammonia:0 Nitrite:0 Nitrate:15 What do you have in the tank? Severum, jack dempsey, parrot cichlid (2), tinfoil barb, 3 corys, 2 3 spot gouramis, 1 paradise fish. Piece of wood I found in a lake, I boiled it before hand. How long has it been in there? Since I set up the tank, a few...
  13. H

    Smelly Water, Pew.

    Can anything be done about smelly water? All my water parameters are perfect, nothing is rotting in the tank or anything like that. It's not bad, but when I take the top off to hand feed I can smell it, is there anything other than a large water change that can help this at all?
  14. H

    Fish Sold To Me As Convict (pictures Added)

    Hmm, well, I really like the tinfoil barb, i'd rather move the tiger barb. 3 more cories won't be too much for the bio load? I was thinking of moving all the non cichlids out of the tank and just keeping the paradise fish and the tinfoil barb. Wouldn't a few tinfoil barbs be too much even for a...
  15. H

    Fish Sold To Me As Convict (pictures Added)

    Well, he sleeps with the parrots, the parrots are the most tame thing in the tank, the severum and the jack don't even notice each other. I doubt it's overstocked that much with their current size, nitrites and ammonia are 0.
  16. H

    Fish Sold To Me As Convict (pictures Added)

    Heh, believe me I know these fish I have don't mix or aren't supposed to, but I introduced them from least aggressive to most and i've had no problems, the Jack dempsey (I guess thats what it is :D) bickered with my paradise fish for a day but now they don't even notice each other. 3 cory...
  17. H

    Fish Sold To Me As Convict (pictures Added)

    It's a 30 gallon for now, I just got a 150, they will all go in there when they get a bit bigger.
  18. H

    Blood Parrot Question

    My parrot does front flips for fun, well used to. I guess the current in my tank was just right and he would swim into the corner of the tank and do a flip, I had plants close the the glass and would swim upside down to the other side and the plants would keep him upside down. I had to move...
  19. H

    Fish Sold To Me As Convict (pictures Added)

    I was sold a "convict", but i've been looking at pictures and descriptions and I don't think mine is a convict at all, or it's a hybrid of some type. I will get a picture up as soon as I can. I became suspicious when people said convicts were somewhat handsome, mines gorgeous. His body is...
  20. H

    Kissing Gourami Aggression

    Need more info, size tank? How long have you had them, did you add them at the same time? They might just be establishing a pecking order, they might calm down after a while. When you say "ragged" tail do mean chunks missing or do you mean the tail is "split" on the ends. If you mean it's...
  21. H

    Tiger Barb With Green?

    I have a tiger barb and he always had a bit of green on him, you could only see it in the right light though, but lately his two stripes on his forehead turned green, but I can still see the green in low light. Is this normal? He seems ok. PH: 7.8-8.2 Nitrates: 40 Nitrites: 0 Ammonia: 0...
  22. H

    Do Dwarf Gouramis Get On With Neon Tetras, Clown Loach And Mollies?

    Dwarf Gouramis are unpredictable, mine was attacking my Severum/convict/Blood parrot who are all MUCH MUCH bigger than him, he was doing damage to, he ripped a big piece out of my paradise fishs' newly regenerated tail, I would not trust them again, that's just me. I have a gold gourami and a...
  23. H

    Could I?

    Yes sir you are wrong :D. The thing about parrots is you could have the most sweetest fish in the world (my two parrots) if they take after the severum more, or if they take after the red devil your gonna have a killer. Parrots are great community fish, good in semi aggressive also. Even fish...
  24. H

    Severum Tankmate ?

    About the parrot, they are odd at first. THey will hide most of the time, give him a few days/weeks to get over this. It's very common parrot behavior to go through this breaking in phase. The reason they seem odd may be their higher intelligence, these fish can learn shapes, colors, very...
  25. H

    Killer Discus!

    I'm not sure about discus , but i've found that with "smarter" fish it really depends on the individual fish, I have many "incompatible" fish and they all get along great, not even an occasional fight. Just be careful.
  26. H

    Vicious Drawf Gourami In Isolation....

    They wouldn't the ONLY aggressive one is the dwarf. THat's my problem, they won't fight back, the parrots and the severum are 4x bigger than the dwarf, it's not a size issue. Parrots can be kept with community fish, they are peaceful, severum same deal. What aggressive fish are you talking...
  27. H

    Vicious Drawf Gourami In Isolation....

    I got tired of always seeing my dwarf gourami torture my turquoise severum and my paradise fish. Yesterday he had my convict wedged in between the glass and a piece of wood, he was just picking at him, so I moved him to a 20 gallon storage tub container (with mature filter and gravel). My...
  28. H

    My Poor Severum

    Amnesia? What do you mean? He seems like himself, he still comes to my hand. Also, it's not red, it's the size of half a tic tac maybe and he's 4-5 inches, not as deep as a tic tac. But one of the things I need to know, will melafix affect my biological filtration? It doesn't say anything on the...
  29. H

    My Poor Severum

    I've trained my severum and other fish to hand feed, but now when I do water changes they are really curious and crowd around the syphon tube, well, he got to close and it took a tic tac size chunk out of his forehead, it took the scales it's like a lil white patch, looks like hole in the head...
  30. H

    My First Tank Pics!

    The blood parrot is a peaceful cichlid, it really is, by the time the tinfoil and the parrot get big enough I will have a bigger tank and the smaller guys will stay in there. The corys get along fine, 2 of them even swim around with the others sometimes, plus they eat like kings, they are happy...
  31. H

    My First Tank Pics!

    Sorry, crappy photo hosting. This one should work.
  32. H

    My First Tank Pics!

    Delete this please, double post, sorry isp problems.
  33. H

    My First Tank Pics!

    Hi, this is my first tank. I messed up and now it's cycling again, I just cleared some ich and finrot they all seem healthy now, i've been doing 50% water changes daily till the cycling is done. They eat plants, frozen blood worms, flakes and frozen veggies, occasional finger. 30 gallon tank A...
  34. H

    My First Tank Pics!

    Hi, this is my first tank. I messed up and now it's cycling again, I just cleared some ich and finrot they all seem healthy now, i've been doing 50% water changes daily till the cycling is done. They eat plants, frozen blood worms, flakes and frozen veggies, occasional finger. 30 gallon tank A...
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    Ich Ahhh!

    I didn't see an edit button so had to double post, heres a few pictures, sorry for the quality.
  36. H

    Ich Ahhh!

    Well, I have... 1 tinfoil barb 1 gold gourami 1 blue gourami 1 blue paradise 1 drawf gourami (turquoise?) 1 Tiger Barb 1 Green tiger barb 1 albino tiger barb 1 albino cory 1 peppered cory (has dark bands on it, maybe it's not peppered) 1 green cory 3 ghost shrimp 3 types of live plants (no...