Parrot Fish


Fish Herder
Jan 20, 2007
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hi are parrot fish suitable for a tropical community ??

also what is the minumum tank size???

parrot fish can be very aggresive
large fish community with caution
not sure about tank size id guess around 75g
55gal min for 1 parrot fish.I have seen sonme massive ones which would require and even bigger tank than that though.They can mix with semi aggressive new worlds, eg severums, firemouth, cons, blue acaras, oscars.Biggest one I ever saw was around 10-11'.My biggest is about 8'
Depending on the fish they can mix with anything. I've had mine with very small peaceful fish and very aggressive fish my two parrots payed them no mind, it really depends on the individual parrot. My parrots are with...

drawf gouramis,tinfoil barbs,3spot gouramis,corys,jack dempsey,severum, and a few platys. No problems with aggression.
I just bought my first pair of parrots a few weeks ago. The guy at teh store said they have been there for 2 years and they are about 6 inches long. Do you think they will get any bigger than this? I sure hope so!

I just bought my first pair of parrots a few weeks ago. The guy at teh store said they have been there for 2 years and they are about 6 inches long. Do you think they will get any bigger than this? I sure hope so!


Not sure man, i've only had mine about a year and they haven't grown too much. I've seen them at around 11 inches, most top out around 7 or 8, power feed them some good foods and they'll grow :D.

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