Fish Sold To Me As Convict (pictures Added)


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
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I was sold a "convict", but i've been looking at pictures and descriptions and I don't think mine is a convict at all, or it's a hybrid of some type. I will get a picture up as soon as I can.
I became suspicious when people said convicts were somewhat handsome, mines gorgeous.

His body is shaped almost just like an Electric yellow Labidochromis, he has barely visible "stripes" on his top of half of his body and the rest is a dark grey or black color. On his cheeks he has iridescent blue, a lot of it. He has multicolor iridescent specks of color all over his body, mostly around the tail and cheeks, the tip of his dorsal fin are bright iridescent red, although it is still very red in low light, it just has iridescence on top of it. He is about 2 inches.

Hmmm, now that I think about it he came from the same tank that I got my turquoise severum, is it possible for a convict and a severum to mate? I know without a picture it won't be easy to tell what it is but i'm trying to rule out if it could even be a convict because I haven't seen anything like it before, thanks in advance.

Sorry I couldn't take better ones, I took like 10,000 and every single one had a glare or it was blurry, I hate taking pictures ><

hmm, need a picture. almost sounds like a jack dempsey
Jack Dempsey. Probably a female. What size is the tank? And a convict and severum is very highly unlikely to breed. Never even heard of it.
Jack Dempsey. Probably a female. What size is the tank? And a convict and severum is very highly unlikely to breed. Never even heard of it.

It's a 30 gallon for now, I just got a 150, they will all go in there when they get a bit bigger.
That's good. That tank size is perfect. (150 gallon)It will most likely get around 10 inches. Maybe bigger when kept in good condition. What else is in the tank?
That's good. That tank size is perfect. (150 gallon)It will most likely get around 10 inches. Maybe bigger when kept in good condition. What else is in the tank?

Heh, believe me I know these fish I have don't mix or aren't supposed to, but I introduced them from least aggressive to most and i've had no problems, the Jack dempsey (I guess thats what it is :D) bickered with my paradise fish for a day but now they don't even notice each other.

3 cory (albino, green, peppered)
1 Turquoise severum (2 1/2 inches)
2 Blood parrots (3 inches and 2 inches)
1 paradise fish (2 inches)
2 3 spot gouramis (one gold one blue) (both 2 inches)
1 tinfoil barb (2 inches)
1 albino barb (I had a green barb and a tiger barb but the green one died of ich, he was just too small to recover, the tiger was chasing the tinfoil barb relentlessly so I had to move him to a different tank)

I know people say this fish can't go with that fish, but it seems like it really depends on the individual fish and it's personality, I did have to move the dwarf gourami to a different tank, he was picking on the severum and paradise fish....go figure.
it's a jack dempsy. i have 1 and the red tips on the fins are the same as mine :)
ya, thats a juve jd. what else do you have in with him? His dark coloration says that he feels very threatened or stressed

nvmind about the stocking, idiot i am just noticed the above post. He is prob threatened by the parrots (as they always seem to like to be nasty) and the sev.

get the 150 up and running asap... that is surely why he looks so stressed, because he has no room along with every other fish in that tank. I would say its prob 4x to 5x overstocked
ya, thats a juve jd. what else do you have in with him? His dark coloration says that he feels very threatened or stressed

nvmind about the stocking, idiot i am just noticed the above post. He is prob threatened by the parrots (as they always seem to like to be nasty) and the sev.

get the 150 up and running asap... that is surely why he looks so stressed, because he has no room along with every other fish in that tank. I would say its prob 4x to 5x overstocked

Well, he sleeps with the parrots, the parrots are the most tame thing in the tank, the severum and the jack don't even notice each other. I doubt it's overstocked that much with their current size, nitrites and ammonia are 0.
I wasn't criticizing your judgement or your actions. It's just I was curious and wanted to make sure you were doing the right thing. Do you have a full tank shot?

Here's some suggestions (Just my opinion)
Add 3 or more cories
You could get more tiger barbs and move the tinfoil barb, or get a couple more tinfoil barbs and get rid of the tiger barb.
I wasn't criticizing your judgement or your actions. It's just I was curious and wanted to make sure you were doing the right thing. Do you have a full tank shot?

Here's some suggestions (Just my opinion)
Add 3 or more cories
You could get more tiger barbs and move the tinfoil barb, or get a couple more tinfoil barbs and get rid of the tiger barb.

Hmm, well, I really like the tinfoil barb, i'd rather move the tiger barb. 3 more cories won't be too much for the bio load? I was thinking of moving all the non cichlids out of the tank and just keeping the paradise fish and the tinfoil barb. Wouldn't a few tinfoil barbs be too much even for a 150 though? I've seen some HUGE ones, he seems content alone is why i'm asking. I appreciate your concern for the fish, but I try to take very good care of them, when they are sick i'm sad :(, the severum just got over a little case of ich, I cured him in 2 days though. Let me try to take a full tank shot, I have no luck with pictures though, I apologize ahead of time for the quality :D.


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