Ich Ahhh!


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
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Well, I have...

1 tinfoil barb
1 gold gourami
1 blue gourami
1 blue paradise
1 drawf gourami (turquoise?)
1 Tiger Barb
1 Green tiger barb
1 albino tiger barb
1 albino cory
1 peppered cory (has dark bands on it, maybe it's not peppered)
1 green cory
3 ghost shrimp

3 types of live plants (no idea the names), gravel substrate, no heater yet.

They are all smaller than 2 inches and I have them in a 30 gallon tank. I have a filter recommended for 20 gallons, I try to do daily water changes to make up for this. Well a about a week ago my friend gave me his violet goby and after having him for about 3 days and not seeing him eat once I decided to get rid of him, I gave him to my uncle who said he could care for him no problem. Well, I didn't notice till after he was in the tank but he had a few spots of ich on his tail fin so I think he's the one that introduced it. My green tiger barb has it the worst, he's still eating a bit and still swimming but he's not himself, the tiger barb has a few spots but he doesn't really seem to notice, the blue gourami has some spots as well, all the rest are fine and haven't shown any signs yet.

I have no heater so I can't raise the temp, i'd say it's about 75 because that's the temp inside my house. I've been adding 2-3 table spoons of salt for every 5 gallons and it doesn't seem to bother anybody, I threw two pennies in there also for copper, i've been doing a lot of water changes and vacuuming the substrate when I do them, I am debating whether I should just take everything out and make it a bear tank, but i'm afraid i'll stress the fish out more and they'll get worse. What else can I do? I don't a separate tank and I hear so many different things about the treatment, can you all just tell me what YOU would do?
I didn't see an edit button so had to double post, heres a few pictures, sorry for the quality.

I don't really know where to start. This is so bad that it looks like a wind up to me and I'm still not sure even now. You have many stocking issues and appear to have done little if any research into the compatibility, ideal group size or eventual adult size of any of your fish. This is just careless in my opinion.

You are also running a tropical tank with no heater or themometer, with too small a filter and then take a brackish water goby into your freshwater tank. So to be honest, I'm not surprised you are having some difficulties :lol:

Any how:



Other problems:

1. Tinfoil barbs grow huge 12"+ too big for your tank
2. Tiger Barbs need to be in a much larger group to spread agression 6+ members really.
3. Cories need a much bigger group 5+ to feel happy and secure.
4. You threw a copper penny in there?
5. Salt does nothing of any merit.

Waaaay overstocked. You have many things wrong, stocking, no heater, insufficient filtering, pennies, salt. I would take back every fish that you can. You should do some research, buy the proper equipment, cycle your tank, then slowly add the appropriate fish.

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