My Poor Severum


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
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I've trained my severum and other fish to hand feed, but now when I do water changes they are really curious and crowd around the syphon tube, well, he got to close and it took a tic tac size chunk out of his forehead, it took the scales it's like a lil white patch, looks like hole in the head, he seems ok like he didn't even notice it happened, I put in some salt and bunch of aloe vera, I have malefix (the tea tree oil one) but i'm not sure if this will damage my nitrates. What should I do, he should be ok right?
He may get amnesia, but as long as you use something to protect from infection, the scales should grow back.

Amnesia? What do you mean? He seems like himself, he still comes to my hand. Also, it's not red, it's the size of half a tic tac maybe and he's 4-5 inches, not as deep as a tic tac. But one of the things I need to know, will melafix affect my biological filtration? It doesn't say anything on the bottle about it. He had a bit of sand sticking to it, should I do anything about that?
I think jourdy288 was kidding about the amnesia. As for the melafix it is perfectly safe to add and will not harm your bacteria colonies. Your Severum doesn't sound hand shy so you can try to get the sand off with a Q-tip (very gently) or not, I don't think the sand will harm the fish at all.

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