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  1. bangit

    My 20uk Gallon Long

    Thanks for your comments, the plants are fake, from all the reading i did prior to starting i decided to avoid the added complication of real plants. Will defo consider that next time! Not adding anything else as yet, its pretty full i believe. Floating plants should be arriving tomoz so that...
  2. bangit

    Plant Info..

    I use fake plants because this is my first proper aquarium and all the reading i did before starting it up suggested that real plants were a complication that could be avoided, so i did. Need the floaters for my gouramis, woudl definately consider real plants in any future aquarium.
  3. bangit

    My 20uk Gallon Long

    thankyou, its my first "proper" tank so learning all the time! would go for sand substrate next time, i think it looks better.
  4. bangit

    Severly Bloated Lumpy Neons, Is This Ntd?

    Thanks for that, ill be back in a few days to see if they have gone down. Cheers.
  5. bangit

    Severly Bloated Lumpy Neons, Is This Ntd?

    Hi i have 10 neons in my 3ft 20uk gallon tank. Ive had them for 2 weeks, 1 died after i stocked them, the day after, i put thias downto stress. The rest have been behaving fine. Ammonia, Nitrite, = 0 Nitrate = 10 PH = 7.4 I do twice weekly water changes, about 30% a week. Feed 1 time per...
  6. bangit

    My 20uk Gallon Long

    Hi, my 20UK gallon 3ft tank is now finished and full! (apart from some floating plants im struggling to get hold of for my gouramis) Tank spec: 36 x 12 x 12 = 20ukg and 24 usg. 92 litres i think. filter: 2213 eheim internal canister. (overfiltered) 10 % water changes twice weekly...
  7. bangit

    Should I Add A Gourami? If Not What Else?

    This are some pics of the new female i bought today. (again taken with mobile phone camera so not the best quality but you can make out the beautiful colouration
  8. bangit

    Should I Add A Gourami? If Not What Else?

    thankyou, got another female today, very nice for a female, silver with a faint neon glow and yellow stripes like the male. Hope this leads to happy families!
  9. bangit

    Should I Add A Gourami? If Not What Else?

    Right thanks for the advice, ill get onto it tomorrow. Ring around some other lfs in my area for another female. heres the pics, it took them with my camera phone, so the quality isnt perfect im afraid.
  10. bangit

    Should I Add A Gourami? If Not What Else?

    Ok, went shopping, took the mrs, i wanted pearls she wanted dwarfs, i dont need to continue i dont think!!!! Think it was the fact that in the lfs the pearls werent as stunning as they would be at home. I explained to her tha dwarfs were prone to disease etc but there you go. Ill be doing my...
  11. bangit

    Flashing Cories ...

    bump! really would appreciate some other opinions guys. thanks.
  12. bangit

    Plant Info..

    hi, would like to add soem floating plants to my tropical tank, my gourami needs the shade and somewhere to build his nest. Any recommendations??? The tanks is currently stocked with fake plants. also, do i need to do anything with the plants when i get them or is it just a case of sticking...
  13. bangit

    Flashing Cories ...

    ill keep an eye on them, thanks for the replies. Anyone else have a similar thing happening with their cories??????? it does seem to happen more when they are fed. Ive done a water change today (15%) and they are doing it more often at the mo.
  14. bangit

    Flashing Cories ...

    Hello, i have 6 cory trilineatus, had them 3 weeks, the tank is 3ft 20ukg. (36 x 12 x 12) Water tests: ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate 10 ph 7.4 other fish in tank - 9 neon tetra, 2 otos. overfiltered. twice weekly water changes - about 35% per week. Anyway, ive noticed basically since i...
  15. bangit

    Should I Add A Gourami? If Not What Else?

    thanks guys i will have a look, going shopping his weekend so will post some pics of what i get if i can. cheers!
  16. bangit

    Should I Add A Gourami? If Not What Else?

    Thanks, thats what i thought, so keeping single males is not a problem then?
  17. bangit

    Should I Add A Gourami? If Not What Else?

    Hi i have a 3ft (36 X 12 X 12) tank, overfiltered (eheim 2213 i think, for tanks upto 200 litre - 24usg is about 92 litre) The tank is 24 usg (20 ukg) My tank is fully cycled and contains: 6 x Corydoras trilineatus 10 x neon tetras 2 x otos in terms of inches per gallon of full grown fish...
  18. bangit

    Neon Tetra Or White Clouds?

    Thanks for the advice, ill be looking into it tomorrow at the 4 or 5 lfs i have!
  19. bangit

    Neon Tetra Or White Clouds?

    So are a more hardy fish then???? i actually prefer cardinals to be honest may get some of them instead , ill have a think. In terms of behaviour in the tank are neons / cardinals interesting to watch???? Do they shoal well etc...???? Also, im planning on keeping some gouramis in the tank, is...
  20. bangit

    Neon Tetra Or White Clouds?

    ye, white clouds are sub tropical so can be kept a low tropical temps, one of the reasons im moving thme is so i can turn the temp up a bit and get some dwarf gourami. (1 male 2 females) Anyone else got any advice / info on neons behaviour etc???? Thanks
  21. bangit

    Neon Tetra Or White Clouds?

    Hi, i have a 20uk gallon 3ft tank that currently has 8 white clouds and 6 fake julii corys, i am planning on moving my white clouds into another tank and replacing them with neons. Having never kept neons before i was just wondering if there is anything important i need to be aware of before...
  22. bangit

    New To Blue Rams, Advice Needed!

    thanks a lot! lookin forward to getting my new rams!
  23. bangit

    New To Blue Rams, Advice Needed!

    Hi, i have a 3ft 20 uk gallon tank, (24usg) It is cycled and currently has 8 white couds in that will soon be moving to a smaller tank i have fishless cycling. This tank is going to be a south american themed community. Stoked with... 10 neons (maybe cardinal) 6 corys 3 otos 2 blue rams...
  24. bangit

    New To Corydoras, Which Ones, How Many Etc.... Advice Needed!

    Thanks! would rather have an overfiltered understocked tank to let the fish thrive t be honest. I am new to fishkeeping only been into it the last 4 months, have learnt tones of stuff, feel like a well informed amateur now! the wonders of the internet! (and a biology a level i thought id never...
  25. bangit

    New To Corydoras, Which Ones, How Many Etc.... Advice Needed!

    thanks ill have a look next time i head to the lfs! So would i be able to get hold of say 2 groups of 3 different cories?? or is it better to stick to one species and have 6 of them? Also, im thinking in terms of a final stocking of fish: 8 cardinal tetra 6 cory 2 blue rams 2 oto this seem...
  26. bangit

    New To Corydoras, Which Ones, How Many Etc.... Advice Needed!

    Thanks for that, i like the look of the ram! Are German Blue Rams the same as just Blue Rams???? is it just an alternative name?? So with 6 corys, 2 blue rams and 8 cardinals am i upto my stocking limit do you think??? I am overfiltering the tank. cheers??
  27. bangit

    New To Corydoras, Which Ones, How Many Etc.... Advice Needed!

    Hi i have a 20uk gallon (24usg) 3ft tank (36x12x12) (nearly done cycling) Im wanting to put some cories in the tank as i like the look of them, im after some advice on how many i could have and whether or not they need to be the same species etc..... seen some conflicting info thats all...
  28. bangit

    20 Uk Gallon 3ft Tank, Stocking Ideas, Need Help!

    Hi, thanks for that, i have taken a liking to cories, look like intresting little fish! Given that there are lots of different cories and im reading that they shoudl be kept with their own specific "type" to mix together etc... Im after a group (5/6) of colorful pretty little cories, anyone...
  29. bangit

    20 Uk Gallon 3ft Tank, Stocking Ideas, Need Help!

    Hi, i have a 3ft 20 Uk gallon (24usg) tank, it is nearly fully cycled. (at 4 week point) At the moment it has 6 white cloud minnows in it, i plan to move them once cycling has finished to a smaller tank that i have cycled fishless. My original plan was to add a pair of fancy goldfish to the...
  30. bangit

    White Cloud Minnow - Agressive Fish Problem.

    thanks for that. wheres best to get your test kits etc, i have that boxset of 10 test for each chemical, ammonia nitrite etc... Its in tablet form, the 10 test pack refills are £6.50 or something, if im doin a test for nitrite nitrate and ammonia every day its gunna cost me a fortune so i...
  31. bangit

    Feeding Pond Fish

    its been a warm winter so far, wouldnt worry about it! as long as you aint been givin um too much also depends on what food youve been givin um. Their metabolism will have slowed down but because its been warm theyd still have been up for a nibble im sure.
  32. bangit

    White Cloud Minnow - Agressive Fish Problem.

    hi, i have a 30 gallon 3ft tank, with 6 white clouds and a small fancy (1.5inch) The tank is currently cycling, in a high nitrite phase, the fish have been in together for 2 weeks. I do twice weekly 15% water changes and have had no problems with the fish yet. However, 1 of my white clouds...
  33. bangit

    What Can I Do With My Spare 7.5 Us Gallon Tank?

    thanks for your ideas! i will take them on board. cheers!
  34. bangit

    What To Do With This Tank?

    hi, thanks for that, ill have a look at them!
  35. bangit

    What To Do With This Tank?

    Hi, i originally bought this tank when i didnt no better to be honest! i have now upgraded to a 30 gallon which i keep coldwater species in. I now have this tank as a spare. Im trying to sell it on ebay but i doubt its gunna go for what i paid for it so in that case i wont be selling...
  36. bangit

    What Can I Do With My Spare 7.5 Us Gallon Tank?

    Hi, i originally bought this tank when i didnt no better to be honest! i have now upgraded to a 30 gallon which i keep coldwater species in. I now have this tank as a spare. Im trying to sell it on ebay but i doubt its gunna go for what i paid for it so in that case i wont be selling...
  37. bangit

    Fishy Friends

    ye that would be good, ill keep reporting back!
  38. bangit

    Fishy Friends

    Thanks for that, are there any other species? ive seen some fish that sit flat on rocks and suck the side of the tank in with the goldfish at the lfs but i cant remember what they were called. cheers
  39. bangit

    Fishy Friends

    Hi, was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this yet??????????????????? The 28Uk gallon tank will have 2 fancy goldfish of about 1.5 inches, is it ok to ad a small number of white clouds?????? say 5???? The tank has an internal filter with a strong flow (EHIEM AQAUBALL 2212) and is...
  40. bangit

    New Tank! Advice Required Please!

    Hi back again with more questions! Ok, i have my new 28 UK gallon tank about ready to be filled with water and the cycling process to begin. I have an aquaball filter 2212, can deal with upto 200 litre tanks so its more than adeqaute fro my 125 litre. The question i have is: i have 2 1.5...