White Cloud Minnow - Agressive Fish Problem.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 12, 2006
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hi, i have a 30 gallon 3ft tank, with 6 white clouds and a small fancy (1.5inch)

The tank is currently cycling, in a high nitrite phase, the fish have been in together for 2 weeks.

I do twice weekly 15% water changes and have had no problems with the fish yet.

However, 1 of my white clouds has started acting very strangely, about 4 days ago it suddenly started being very terratorial of a small clear patch of gravel, sitting over the top of it and chasing any other white cloud that goes near it.

I think the fish is female, looks a little fatter than some of the males. i have at least 2 females maybe 3 (not sure) and 4 males.

I thought that the fish may be protecting a site where spawning had taken place but then i read that eggs hatch in a couple of days and it's been going on for at least 4 days now.

Anyone any ideas, my white clouds had been peaceful and happily shoaling before this!

White cloud spawning is often brought on by conditions that mimic things like the dry or wet season in the wild, the cycling water quality conditions can be similar stress-wise to the conditions the seasonal changes which bring about spawning in such fish produce in the wild, and so can sometimes bring on spawning behavior in such fish.
When it comes down to it though you really don't want to the fish to be spawning right now, the cycling tank conditions will be stressful enough for them and they are probably thinking the rains are coming or something lol which is why they are spawning. You should do a water change anytime you see nitrites or ammonia, and you should be testing the water on a daily basis. You want to limit stress between the fish, so doing very regular water changes will help lower the stress levels- doing more water changes may or may not encourage them to keep on attempting to spawn, but either way keeping the stress of the cycle of the tank to a minimum should be your main concern :nod: .
thanks for that.

wheres best to get your test kits etc, i have that boxset of 10 test for each chemical, ammonia nitrite etc...
Its in tablet form, the 10 test pack refills are £6.50 or something, if im doin a test for nitrite nitrate and ammonia every day its gunna cost me a fortune so i aint doin that im afraid, its totally impractical.

What is the best way of keeping the cost of test kits down????? any good online stores you no of?

i will up my water changes, i expect the tank to have cycled in a couple of weeks, its been 3 weeks now and its had some filter media from a healthy tank and some substrate to kick the cycling off. Hoping itl be done soon, ive got 3 air stones on the go and filter on max spewing 02 into the water.

Thanks for your help. :good:

ps: would you recommend salting the water????? 1 / 2 % solution??? also, would this affect my test results for nitrite etc seen as it neutralises it or something???

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