New To Corydoras, Which Ones, How Many Etc.... Advice Needed!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 12, 2006
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Hi i have a 20uk gallon (24usg) 3ft tank (36x12x12) (nearly done cycling)

Im wanting to put some cories in the tank as i like the look of them, im after some advice on how many i could have and whether or not they need to be the same species etc..... seen some conflicting info thats all!

Eventually i would like cories, not too many (5/6) and some neons (8) and maybe some platy or a couple of dwarf gourami, in terms of stocking levels do you think this is ok??? Cories havent got a heavy bioload have they???? My tank is overfiltered, a filter rated for upto 200litres of water is turning over a 90 litre load.

Thanks for your help!
I would go for:

8 Cardinals or Harlequins
6 Corys
2 German Blue Rams (M/F)

Or you could get 8 corys and 6 harlequins etc.
Thanks for that, i like the look of the ram!

Are German Blue Rams the same as just Blue Rams???? is it just an alternative name??

So with 6 corys, 2 blue rams and 8 cardinals am i upto my stocking limit do you think???

I am overfiltering the tank.

I don't think that you're quite up to your stocking limit.

As to the pointers in the topic title, there are huge numbers of corydoras species. For a 36 inch tank, if you're a complete started then "bronze" corydoras are supposed starters. They're not particularly messy, but need to be in groups of the same species, as you've accounted for. Sandy substrates are best with plenty of plants, rounded gravel is the next best, with sharp pointy gravel being unsuitable. Peppered corys or leopard (trillis, julii, etc) are alternatives, or you could look elswhere for ideas of some more exotice species. These are likely to be more difficult to look after and expensive.
thanks ill have a look next time i head to the lfs!

So would i be able to get hold of say 2 groups of 3 different cories?? or is it better to stick to one species and have 6 of them?

Also, im thinking in terms of a final stocking of fish:

8 cardinal tetra
6 cory
2 blue rams
2 oto

this seem ok, could i get away with 10 cardinals????
It's nice to see someone being conservative with stocking! Good on you! For a 3 foot tank, I'd have 6 of one species of cory.

10 cardinals are fine. Also, I'd have 4 or 5 otos. Have shrimp too.
Thanks! would rather have an overfiltered understocked tank to let the fish thrive t be honest. I am new to fishkeeping only been into it the last 4 months, have learnt tones of stuff, feel like a well informed amateur now! the wonders of the internet! (and a biology a level i thought id never use!)

Final stocing then,

2 blue rams
10 cardinals
6 cory
2 otos.

A nice south american theme!

Thanks for the advice, ill be slowly stocking in the next few weeks!

ps: going by the 1 inch per gallon rule i am massivly overstocked, can someone explain to me why its still ok for me to stock the above fish, i rekon in terms of full grown size, the above list is 44inches of fish. My tank is 24 gallons, overfiltered though.


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