20 Uk Gallon 3ft Tank, Stocking Ideas, Need Help!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 12, 2006
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Hi, i have a 3ft 20 Uk gallon (24usg) tank, it is nearly fully cycled. (at 4 week point)

At the moment it has 6 white cloud minnows in it, i plan to move them once cycling has finished to a smaller tank that i have cycled fishless.

My original plan was to add a pair of fancy goldfish to the tank but having done some research have decided not to push the stocking level over the edge.

Anyway there is the background, i have been thinking about turning it into a tropical setup, having not done anything with tropicals before (just a coldwater man so far) i am after some advice on what to do!

The tank has an internal filter eheim 2212, its overfilterd.

Would i simply need to get hold of an appropriate sized heater for the tank to turn it tropical?????

Also, what fish woudl you recommend??? i like the look of corydoras as bottom dwellers, maybe some tetras (cardinals) and another couple of fish that cruise mid water etc... and grow to 3 - 4 inches. How many corys and neons etc do you think i could get away with????

Ideas and advice would be much appreciated.

White Cloud Mountain Minnows/WCMM's are actually technically sub-tropical fish, meaning they enjoy temps between 19 and 23 degree's the most :nod: .
There are actually an aweful lot of fish which prefer the cooler tropical temps which are often put into full on coldwater or tropical tanks- many types of danio's, corys, tetra's and loaches, catfish etc are actually sub-tropical fish.
Peppered corys are sub tropical cories for example;


While bloodfin tetra's, leopard and zebra danio's, hillstream loaches etc to name a few also all enjoy the cooler tropical temps :thumbs:
Hi, thanks for that,

i have taken a liking to cories, look like intresting little fish!

Given that there are lots of different cories and im reading that they shoudl be kept with their own specific "type" to mix together etc...

Im after a group (5/6) of colorful pretty little cories, anyone got any ideas on some specific strains of the fish for me to look at????


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