Search results

  1. Dave L

    Volume Of A Hexagonal Tank

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Got visions of you debating how to move the hole from their garden to yours :lol:
  2. Dave L

    Volume Of A Hexagonal Tank

    It's all very interesting but why complicate it :S (C+A) X B X Height = Volume ;) If you measure in cm just divide your answer by 1000 and you have litres. MW is spot on though if you need it precise, just don't let anyone interrupt you when you are counting buckets, don't want to have...
  3. Dave L

    Time Waisting But Oh So Entertaining

    Very entertaining, thanks for posting. Your tank is looking good. Hopefully I will be in a similar position in a few weeks now my friend as put himself into gear to get my cabinet made. Keep us posted on progress. Dave.
  4. Dave L

    Lighting Question

    Very interesting thread, thanks guys. Plants is probably my least favourite subject as i've always thought of it as too involved. It's just taken me about 1/2 hour to read this and I have learned more from it than the last couple of months researching lighting, CO2 and all the rest of it...
  5. Dave L

    Working Out Tank Volume

    Here you go, Dimensions 91 x 36 x 30cm/36" x 14" x 12 Surface area 0.33 sqm/3.55 sq ft/ inches sq in Volume 99 l./22 gal. (26.15 US gal.) Probable volume 89 l./20 gal. (24 US gal.) I am sure there'll be lots of advice on substrate to follow, but it will depend on what type of set up you...
  6. Dave L

    Cories Are Piosonus?

    Found it, it was in the October issue of PFK, This link just tells you what was in the issue OCTOBER ISSUE
  7. Dave L

    Cories Are Piosonus?

    Hi, There was an article in PFK, October I think, about the toxin release. If I remember correctly it was saying that when stressed they can release a toxin from a gland below the gill. It was discovered after looking into the fact that quite often, when buying Cories from the LSF, you would...
  8. Dave L

    I'll Have My Tank Installed One Of These Days.....

    Thanks very much for the replies guys. I thought that it may be the way to go but there's nothing like some reassurance from those with experience. Many thanks for the advice once again Regards Dave.
  9. Dave L

    I'll Have My Tank Installed One Of These Days.....

    Hi all, Some may be aware from previous posts I have a friend in the furniture manufacturing business who is building me a cabinet for my new 6 x 2 x 2 tank. Well, in a post I made back in July it was going to be a couple of weeks, here we are at the end of the year and I'm still waiting...
  10. Dave L

    Ozone Generator For Tropicals

    Hey guys, Thanks for the replies. This probably explains why there is so little information around on these bits of kit. I don't have an issue with algae or any other problem at the moment. This is likeley beacause I'm still don't have my tank installed yet :rolleyes: This is the same guy...
  11. Dave L

    Ozone Generator For Tropicals

    Yes, he has fish in the tank. Cory's, Angels a few Barbs. Can't remember exactly as I've not seen it for a while. The Ozone runs on a timer and he said his fish look relly well. No, it's an ozone generator. I've seen them advertised for marine set-ups but not tropical. Here's an Aqua Medic...
  12. Dave L

    Ozone Generator For Tropicals

    Hi all, I'm rather curious about the use of an Ozone Generator in a Tropical Aquarium. A friend of mine had been having an ongoing problem with Algae. Although he doesn't have a Test kit he was having his water quality checked by a LFS and they were saying everthing was OK. I don't know the...
  13. Dave L

    Just Found This Ammonia

    Update: The Ammonia just arrived. For those interested I gave it a good shake and there was no frothing confirming it's just 9.5% ammonia solution. The reason I posted this was because it was apparent that there are some people who couldn't find it locally or, like myself, couldn't find the...
  14. Dave L

    Help Me Choose A Substrate

    I was going to use Seachem Flourite Black Sand but it worked out considerably more expensive. Eco-Complete seems to be highly recommended on the forum and is the right colour for me. I initially was considering Play Pit sand. Cheap and available and suitable for a planted tank but again from...
  15. Dave L

    Help Me Choose A Substrate

    Well, I decided in the end to go with Eco-Complete. I just ordered 10-bags from Here for £15.95 per bag, which I thought was a great buy.
  16. Dave L

    Just Found This Ammonia

    Seems quite clear to me, it states "Contains 9.5% ammonia in solution". Also, there are calculators to use on the forum when the soloution % in known. I looked at the item you gave the item number for. Isn't that a powder (400g not 400ml)?. If it is then you'll have to mess around making up...
  17. Dave L

    Just Found This Ammonia

    Hi all, With all the discussion lately regarding where to find Ammonia, I just found this stuff on ebay. It's 9.5% in solution and there are plent of bottles available. Max Ammonia Just ordered a couple of bottles myself. It'll save a trip around a few shops hunting for the right stuff...
  18. Dave L

    Now Are We Sure About This?- Fish Id

    Wow Shelagh, I can see why it stunned you... Not that I'm even qualified to compare being such a newbie but look at the size of the Piranha's mouth in that link, it extends right under it's mouth. I reckon you just have the silver Dollar, Aren't they in the same family though?? It would...
  19. Dave L

    Help Me Choose A Substrate

    So, I've just about made up my mind. It's down to two; Seachem Flourite Black Sand or Caribsea Eco-Complete. Appreciate any feedback or experience with these two substrates. Which one would you go with and why? Thanks Dave.
  20. Dave L

    Led Lighting!

    Here's an interesting thread on the subject over on PFK. Full Daylight Simulation Regards Dave.
  21. Dave L


    Hi KatienDavid, I'm just restarting but it may as well be a fresh start given the years that have passed. I've had my tank a few months but I'm just waiting on my cabinet being made so you are ahead here. This forum is indeed 'the' place to be for all the advice you will ever need and I would...
  22. Dave L

    Glass Covers On Tank

    :blush: :blush: :blush:
  23. Dave L

    Glass Covers On Tank

    Many thanks for all your responses. It's amazing how much I have learnt since deciding to take up the hobby a few months back. All because of the user to user support offered by members of forums like this. What a great place, Many thanks again Dave.
  24. Dave L

    Tall Aquarium Backgrounds

    If you use this Background which is 450 x 450 instead of the 600, you could go 3-wide x 2-high and trim to height and length. The pattern looks like it would match up too. Just done a quick search. It would cost around £58.89 delivered from here for example.
  25. Dave L

    Glass Covers On Tank

    Many thanks, understand it now. Always learning!! One of those questions that's been bugging me. Thanks again Dave
  26. Dave L

    Glass Covers On Tank

    Hi, Just thinking ahead for when I set up my tank in a couple of weeks. It's a 6x2x2 and has Glass Covers. In terms of water level, is it best practice to fill right up the the glass covers or just below them? Thanks in advance Dave.
  27. Dave L

    Help Me Choose A Substrate

    Cheers Boxa, Nice analogy and puts the point across well. I had just about decided on the play sand but now you got me thinking again..... Realistically, I may say to myself that I'll clean daily or every other day but I know me!!! Once a week once the newness has gone. Now, the question...
  28. Dave L

    Water Quality Parameters

    Hi Davo, Thanks for the reply. You were spot on. Just went and did the pH again on the mains supply and it was indeed 7.6 Not sure what went wrong with that test. I think I'll need to get a hardness test kit to see how much impact the softener is having. The API Master doesn't have that test...
  29. Dave L

    Water Quality Parameters

    Hi all, As some will know from previous threads I am getting everything prepared ready for when I get my tank installed in a couple of weeks. I just took delivery of my API Master Test kit and so thought I would make a few tests to see what water parameters I am dealing with. Now, I have a...
  30. Dave L

    Fish Tank Heaviness

    You could work this out more accurately knowing a little more detail: 100gal tank is approx 400 Litres = 400kg Tank stand is 50" wide. The floor joists in a house are typically 16" apart r(check under the carpet how far apart the nails are in the flooring to confirm) which means you tank...
  31. Dave L

    Help Me Choose A Substrate

    Hi Ian, Yes, I think your tanks looks great. Haven't fully decided on the plants yet but will be seeking advice on that later. Lighting is around 2wpg (8 x 36W 180 cm T5's). I didn't plan on using CO2, at least not initially, but would do at some point in the future if it's needed. Thanks Dave
  32. Dave L

    Help Me Choose A Substrate

    Hi all, As mentioned in previous posts I am just waiting on a cabinet for my 6x2x2 aquarium which is probably around to weeks away. In the meantime I have been preparing for it's arrival and pulling together all the things I need. I now need to get my substrate but really can't make up my...
  33. Dave L

    Need Help Choosing Digital Timer

    I've just ordered one of these: Digital Timers
  34. Dave L

    Fish Tank Heaviness

    What are the dimensions of the tank?
  35. Dave L

    Treatments And Medications

    Thanks for the info MW and Colin, That'll give me a head start. It was pretty bewildering seeing so many products in the LFS. I'll start to put together a small First Aid Fridge Box. Regards Dave.
  36. Dave L

    Treatments And Medications

    Hi all, From time to time a fish keeper is going to need various treatments for different ailments whether it be for a fungal treatment or white spot or something. I would think over time quite a collection would be built up. I was browsing through the different products today in a LFS and...
  37. Dave L

    Soon To Be Released - Fish Diary V1.0

    Hi, This sounds a great idea, good luck with it. How will you be handling upgrades as the software evolves. Regards Dave.
  38. Dave L

    Aids To Water Changes

    Hey backtotropical, That's really interesting thank you... Looks like a trip to B&Q is in order. Tolak, that Angel Fish looks like he's enjoying the top up. Quite a siphon with those flow rates. Thanks for the posts Dave
  39. Dave L

    Aids To Water Changes

    Many thanks for the replies once again. Very interesting and a bit of research needed I think. I'm a bit of a gadget man and see these things as a bit of a challenge, building one idea on another. These are all interesting ideas. Of coarse to many of you guys/gals that have been fish keeping...
  40. Dave L

    Aids To Water Changes

    Hi all, It's going to be 2 or 3 weeks before I get my tank installed (waiting for cabinet to be built) and in the meantime I am reading like mad and gathering all the tips and advice available here. What a great forum. For those with large tanks, doing water changes must be quite a task given...