Tall Aquarium Backgrounds


Fish Addict
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Durham UK
Just bought a large aquarium..and cant find a background to fit.

needs to be 74cm tall and 125cm long... :blink:

anyone else had this problem before...the tallest i can find is 60cm!!

HELP :shout:
nope, no problems when you can just paint. will look tons better prob too. use an enamel or lacquer paint (ie... spraypaint or any enamel paint from a hobby store) and give a couple coats to make it a solid covering.

Ox :good:
cheers guys,

i think coloured card would just get wet and spoil...and i dont really want to spray paint my new tank either..

im stuck for ideas
i'm having the same problem,
I think there are places that sale rolls of backgroud and then you can cut it to the right length. interms of height. the rolls may be height enough.
its typical that i have found 'oceanvisions' sea blue self adhesive aquarium background 30" tall....PERFECT

only problem is.. they only ship within the USA :'(

dunno what to do now :(
If you use this Background which is 450 x 450 instead of the 600, you could go 3-wide x 2-high and trim to height and length.

The pattern looks like it would match up too.

Just done a quick search. It would cost around £58.89 delivered from here for example.
that is a good idea!! i am not sure if i like the internal ones tho..ive heard fish can get behind them?

just emailed the store in the USA to see if they would possibly consider an international shipment

doubt they will lol
fair enuf mine is just a clear-seal, ive seen lots of people using lighting behind tanks lately to create nice effects.
are background on the hexaganal is a dog food bag,the big bags if you look inside they are normally black cut it to size makes a brilliant backgroun and dont cost a thing unless you havent got a dog then mayb a friend has.same effect as a normal one :D

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