Glass Covers On Tank

Dave L

New Member
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
Lincoln, UK.

Just thinking ahead for when I set up my tank in a couple of weeks. It's a 6x2x2 and has Glass Covers.

In terms of water level, is it best practice to fill right up the the glass covers or just below them?

Thanks in advance

You want to leave a space of about a half inch between the covers and the water line. Depending on how your tank is built, it might be a good idea to leave even a bit more. Have a look at how the top frame is set in place and whether the top is actually water tight. On one of my tanks it's more decorative than water tight. The idea of the glass is to reduce water losses from the tank and to keep moisture out of the light fixture or hood you put over the top.
There is no "right size" for this gap... but a gap there must be ! You will find that if the water touches the tank braces (the bits where the cover glasses sit) you will see it from inside the tank - and it looks horrible !!!!!! so fill to just below the brace(s)
Below them.

You'll want to have some capacity to allow the exchange of gases.

Many thanks, understand it now. Always learning!!

One of those questions that's been bugging me.

Thanks again


I'm 42, been in the hobby since I was 10 or so and have "studied" piranhas for 20 years and I STILL learn something new every time I turn around. It's a never-ending process and you can't learn if you don't ask so keep it up! :)
Many thanks for all your responses.

It's amazing how much I have learnt since deciding to take up the hobby a few months back.

All because of the user to user support offered by members of forums like this.

What a great place,

Many thanks again

Many thanks for all your responses.

It's amazing how much I have learnt since deciding to take up the hobby a few months back.

All because of the user to user support offered by members of forums like this.

What a great place,

Many thanks again


ahh, what a nice guy :)

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