Ozone Generator For Tropicals

Dave L

New Member
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
Lincoln, UK.
Hi all,

I'm rather curious about the use of an Ozone Generator in a Tropical Aquarium.

A friend of mine had been having an ongoing problem with Algae. Although he doesn't have a Test kit he was having his water quality checked by a LFS and they were saying everthing was OK. I don't know the peramenters.

Anyway, the last time I saw him I was asking how he was doing with his algae problem and he said it's sorted. He said he installed an ozone generator and all is now good.

Can anyone throw any light on the use of these on tropical planted set ups.


I have never heard of using one but I know you can spot treat algae using H2O2. The excess oxygen does work in that case so it might also work as O3. The use of peroxide is very small because people worry about poisoning fish. Does his ozone tank have fish in it or just plants?
I have never heard of using one but I know you can spot treat algae using H2O2. The excess oxygen does work in that case so it might also work as O3. The use of peroxide is very small because people worry about poisoning fish. Does his ozone tank have fish in it or just plants?

H202 - Is that "Heavy water"...?
Hi Dave L :)

Since algae is a plant, I'm going to move your thread over to the Planted Tank section of the forum. If any of the members know the information you are looking for you will probably find them there. :D
I have never heard of using one but I know you can spot treat algae using H2O2. The excess oxygen does work in that case so it might also work as O3. The use of peroxide is very small because people worry about poisoning fish. Does his ozone tank have fish in it or just plants?

Yes, he has fish in the tank. Cory's, Angels a few Barbs. Can't remember exactly as I've not seen it for a while. The Ozone runs on a timer and he said his fish look relly well.

Never heard of an ozone generator. Are you sure he doesn't mean something else?


No, it's an ozone generator. I've seen them advertised for marine set-ups but not tropical.

Here's an Aqua Medic one

Thanks for the replies Guys.



Hi Dave L :)

Since algae is a plant, I'm going to move your thread over to the Planted Tank section of the forum. If any of the members know the information you are looking for you will probably find them there. :D

No probs, I nearly put it there to start with and had a last minute change of mind :blush:
Most marine ideals are a long way from planted ideals in that the 2 setups are as far away as possibly they could be.

That unit would be of no use in a planted aquarium because it removes nitrates!!!! In planted setups we ADD nitrates. The plants use it for food.

Ozone generators/ reactors should not be used unless you really have too. They have been around for years and were designed for use on protein skimmers running on marine tanks. The ozone helped to kill off more bugs in the water and increase the oxygen levels in the water, thus making the skimmer work more effectively. However, modern protein skimmers have come a long way and the use of ozone is no longer recommended due to its harmful and destructive nature. Using it in a freshwater tank would be asking for trouble in my opinion.
If you have an algae problem then look at other ways to control it. Lighting, nutrients and water quality all affect algae. Try adjusting these and see if it helps. Also adding algae eaters to a tank can make a huge difference.
Hey guys,

Thanks for the replies.

This probably explains why there is so little information around on these bits of kit.

I don't have an issue with algae or any other problem at the moment. This is likeley beacause I'm still don't have my tank installed yet :rolleyes:

This is the same guy who is building the cabinet for me. It's OK he's only had my tank since last March :( However, he's promised to have it ready by Christmas but I'll not hold my breath :S

As mentioned, I was just curious and thank you all for your comments



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