Search results

  1. NonstickRon

    Purple Emperor Tetra

    I've got flame tetras, they're very bright and pretty. I've got harlequin rasboras in with them...if you're not set on tetras only, they would make a great colorful addition. Look up Celestial Pearl Danios, also very colorful and interesting. If I had more room, I'd totally get some.
  2. NonstickRon

    What Sand?

    Its made for baby's to play in. I doubt there's anything harmful in it. Maybe stay away from the colors?
  3. NonstickRon

    Stocking Help Please

    Have a look at leopard or pearl danios before you set your mind on the zebras. I think the spots are more attractive personally.;pcatid=2768
  4. NonstickRon

    Oh No.

    1. Generators are not cheap. Not for me anyway. 2. If I can't afford one that will run my A/C theres not much point. (thats how it feels when the power is off and its 90 degrees at night, in 90% humidity and I'm rolling round naked on the tile hoping to cool off enough to pass out, hehe) 3...
  5. NonstickRon

    Am I Overstocking?

    Thanks oldman, I just said 2 inches cause I didn't feel like looking up exact numbers and didn't know for sure off the top of my head. I'll look those two you menioned up though, you've got my interest. :D Azotemia, look up the full grown sizes of your fish, figure out you inch/gallon ratio...
  6. NonstickRon

    Oh No.

    I've got a computer battery backup on my tank in case of powerouts. Its obnoxious when the power goes out though, beeps every other second...and I've no idea how long it would run the filter. My work has generator though, and if I lost power I'd probably take the battery backup to work with me...
  7. NonstickRon

    Cycle With Fish [halp]

    Serpae Tetra were recommended to me for a fish-in cycle. The lady who runs the aquatics section at the Petsmart near me actually seems pretty knowledgabe, being a hobbyist herself. She said she trains new employees on cycling with them and has never had a fatality. The only problem with them...
  8. NonstickRon

    Am I Overstocking?

    I can answer this. Whoohoo! (love questions my noobness can manage to answer with authority) Ok, I read that in the wild sometimes corys will mix. SO I took this to mean that if I was going to get three of them, each could be different and that would be find. Well, I put a peppered in my...
  9. NonstickRon

    Cycle With Fish [halp]

    If there is anything awesome about Petsmart it's their return policy. I've never had an issue returning anything. Even 1 year old reptile "chow" I never managed to get my bearded dragon to eat.
  10. NonstickRon

    Woops... :(

    Yeah but I guess I'll be pretty much starting over with my cycle eh?
  11. NonstickRon

    Woops... :(

    About an hour. And this is with a Penguin 200 filter...very overfiltered 10 gallon. :unsure: I use a small siphon hose to fill the tank very slowly because the black flourite sand makes the water super murky if i stir it up. Guess I could go buy some bacteria in a bottle and hope for the best.
  12. NonstickRon

    Woops... :(

    I just did a water change...realized as the new water was almost done siphoning into the tank from the 5 gallon jug that I hadn't put dechlorinator in it. :hyper: So I quickly dumped some Prime into the tank. How much damage am I likely to have done? Was a 50% water change in a 10 gallon...
  13. NonstickRon

    What Sand?

    I'm not certain I'm remembering correctly but I think I read it was a larger grain size than play sand.
  14. NonstickRon

    What Am I Doing Wrong? So Fed Up Now.

    I'd bet on contaminants in the tap water. Copper doesn't just get into water from pipes, depending on where you live. If I were you I'd get rid of the tap water.
  15. NonstickRon

    Cycle With Fish [halp]

    Don't Gouramis have a rep for being very easy to kill? Even if fishless is the best way to do it, it isn't the only way to do it. There are modern chemicals that detoxify the ammonia and nitrites while leaving them available to the bacteria. Bacterias in the bottle don't always work, for...
  16. NonstickRon

    Classroom Tank...dwarf Gouramis

    If its a swimming pool, you'll have a buttload of chlorine in it. The chlorine is there to kill bacteria.
  17. NonstickRon

    Classroom Tank...dwarf Gouramis

    I think he means a swimming pool.
  18. NonstickRon

    Help Needed!

    Test your water. If they are getting that disease, then that article states they'll need antibiotics.
  19. NonstickRon

    Most Colorful Small Fish?

    The flame tetra I bought are very bright yellow and red. I havn't found a photo yet that matches how brightly colored mine are.
  20. NonstickRon

    Help Needed!

    Heres an article about the red streaking. Looks grim if they're not eating because you won't be able to medicate them.
  21. NonstickRon

    Seachem Prime™ Vs Seachem Safe™

    I found on Seachem's forum that Neutral Regulator is dry Prime, with a PH stabilizer. So Seachem Safe is probably that same dry Prime but without the PH regulators. I know from experience that the Neutral Regulator doesn't stink like the Prime does, which is a BIG plus. Prime really reeks.
  22. NonstickRon


    Bought a differnt brand of Frozen Cyclops today at the LFS. Holy smokes! Looks like sand swirling around in there, thats how small they are. Once the fish noticed it was supposed to be food (well, about half of them noticed) they started trying to eat it so its not a total failure. I guess...
  23. NonstickRon

    Fish Food

    I dunno about favorites, havn't been doing this long. Still experimenting. I bought some fozen Cyclops today, cause it listed Tetra as one of the things its good for. HOLY COW those things are tiny. I don't think the fish even realized they were being fed at first. Right now they're all...
  24. NonstickRon


    So this stuff is only found in one arctic lake in the world, that happens to be so salty and cold nothing naturally eats it...BUT they claim its some kinda super-food for fish and corals. Anybody use this for freshwater tropicals with success...
  25. NonstickRon

    How Come Nobody Has Discus?

    I kinda agree that they're silly looking. The colors are very pretty, a little too pretty for my macho self, hehe. The thing that bothers me most about them is their little kissy faces. They look too 'girly' for me.
  26. NonstickRon

    "high Quality Fish Food"

    Anybody use that Cyclop-eez stuff? Seems a bit wierd.
  27. NonstickRon

    What Sand?

    I have black flourite sand at home and white play sand at work. I think the black sand looks more "natural" in that its not quite jet black, its more of a black/brown potting soil color. Seems finer than the play sand. The play sand however is "cleaner". The flourite was a real mess for like...
  28. NonstickRon

    How Many Gallons Is My Bowfront?

    I love you guys!
  29. NonstickRon

    Friend's Neglected Tank

    Thats another story I'd rather not get in to again. lol You can read up on the backstory here:
  30. NonstickRon

    Help Needed!

    1 gallon = 1 "inch" of tropical fish, goldfish need more. Thats a 7 gallon tank. How big are your fish and what do you mean by "fancy"? Are they goldfish?
  31. NonstickRon

    Help Needed!

    It could be gastrointestinal problems from the food. What brand/type are you using? What size is your tank? What all is in it?
  32. NonstickRon

    Help Needed!

    What are your water levels? Do you have a test kit? If not, you really need to buy an RHI master test kit for $30.
  33. NonstickRon

    Friend's Neglected Tank

    My friends have a 55 gal thas in bad shape. No algae, they have a pleco, flourescent tube light is on 24/7 (serves as a nightlight in their dining room) but seems somehow rather dim. Besides the pleco (about 5 inches long atm) the tank is inhabited by two wild caught killifish, 1 full grown...
  34. NonstickRon


    Wow, good to know. I thought better of the idea anyway. There's an alligator that's seen frequenting the pond that would probably make lunch of the fancy goldfish. Reading up on crypts...says they like acidic water. The PH right now is 8.4. They probably wouldn't do too well unless I manage...
  35. NonstickRon


    He's got a full grown fancy goldfish in there. Will it eat the plants? Alternatively, if it comes to it...goldfish make good pond fish don't they? Hes got a pretty huge (~2-300ft across) natural pond in his yard. (I need to find out if theres anything big living in it first of course..) Its...
  36. NonstickRon

    How Many Gallons Is My Bowfront?

    Ok, the measurements are 11" high, 17" wide and 6" deep. That makes it 5 gallons even. But how much more does the bowfront add? 1 more gallon? 2? It bows out approximately 3". I was never very good at geometry. Hope someone knows how to figure this out.
  37. NonstickRon

    12inch Airstone

    I have a 20 gallon air pump going into a 15 inch bubble wall in a 6 gallon tank. I have to have a pressure valve on the line cause at full blast the current in the water is way too strong.
  38. NonstickRon

    Which Equipment Is The Best Or Some What The Best?

    I've looked on and found a 75 gallon tank with everything but filter for $150. They said they'd throw in a canister filter for an extra $100. I didn't have the money at the time, blah. Anyway, if I were you I'd find a used tank/stand/hood and spend the leftover money on a...
  39. NonstickRon


    I don't have a siphon big enough for a 55 gallon. I wonder if he has one... Regardless, I should probably get the nitrates down first I imagine. If I'm going to do many gallons at a time would be a small enough water change? Should I do several over a period of a few hours? I...
  40. NonstickRon


    Yeah...I was thinking of just taking it upon myself to do work on their tank when I go over there. The filter is operating, and the bacteria on the filter cartridge must be doing all cycling of waste without the biowheel since the biowheel isn't spinning. I could buy them a new wheel and rinse...