How Many Gallons Is My Bowfront?


Fish Crazy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL USA
Ok, the measurements are 11" high, 17" wide and 6" deep. That makes it 5 gallons even. But how much more does the bowfront add? 1 more gallon? 2? It bows out approximately 3". I was never very good at geometry.

Hope someone knows how to figure this out.
Ok, the measurements are 11" high, 17" wide and 6" deep. That makes it 5 gallons even. But how much more does the bowfront add? 1 more gallon? 2? It bows out approximately 3". I was never very good at geometry.

Hope someone knows how to figure this out.
Wish ya' were awake in math, eh :lol: ? Anyhow, I am still sleepy there, but any easy way to do it is to empty out the aquarium, no gravel, filter NOTHING and talk a half gallon container and count how many units it takes to fill it up.
Its 6.755025763898193 gallons

I calcuated volume of box shapped part in in. cubed
Then found the area of the half oval bow. Multiplied by 11" hieght to get the volume of the bow in in. cubed.
Then added them to get total volume in in. cubed. Then found the cubed root of that to get the length/width/height would be if perfect square so I could put in a volume calculator (more accurate one then here) and got the volume

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