Cycle With Fish [halp]

Pure ammonia is usualy the cheapest ammonia. It should be colorless and not foam when you shake it. I got mine at our local IGA. It is the IGA brand.
If you do a cycle with fish correctly there is some ammonia build up. That is why you use certain fish; they can tolerate some ammonia. You may think of this a cruel but it's not as cruel as feeding them to a pirana. Many,many fish die from improper care. More than from a proper fish type cycle.
Don T.
my petsmart in washington here gave me a full refund within 2 weeks no questions asked, though they did test my water... it was spotless. They even refunded me cash for a few of the returns, when i decided buying more mollies was not a good idea. And they even refunded me for DoA's without a receipt
my petsmart in washington here gave me a full refund within 2 weeks no questions asked, though they did test my water... it was spotless. They even refunded me cash for a few of the returns, when i decided buying more mollies was not a good idea. And they even refunded me for DoA's without a receipt

If there is anything awesome about Petsmart it's their return policy. I've never had an issue returning anything. Even 1 year old reptile "chow" I never managed to get my bearded dragon to eat.
I see we have strayed a bit from the requested information. There is a link in my signature to a thread that discusses how to do a fishy cycle. I am another person who prefers a fishless cycle but my own prejudices do not make it the only practical way to cycle. I would avoid mollies and go to something tougher like a couple of zebras as the first fish. 2 of them would be about all you want for a fish-in cycle of a tank that size. Best of luck with your new hobby.
Serpae Tetra were recommended to me for a fish-in cycle. The lady who runs the aquatics section at the Petsmart near me actually seems pretty knowledgabe, being a hobbyist herself. She said she trains new employees on cycling with them and has never had a fatality. The only problem with them is once you're cycled, you're stuck with some fish that can really be peckerheads when it comes to getting along with other fish.
Ron, that's one of the reasons I suggested zebras. The serpaes are a PITA in my opinion.

Edit: I can never spell right the first time

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