What Sand?


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Feb 15, 2008
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i have decided to keep banjo catfish, but before i add them, im going to change my fine gravel into very fine sand and i was wondering what type would be best, i need something fine enough for them to burrow in easily and safely. any ideas?
thanks, jamie
i have decided to keep banjo catfish, but before i add them, im going to change my fine gravel into very fine sand and i was wondering what type would be best, i need something fine enough for them to burrow in easily and safely. any ideas?
thanks, jamie

I have black flourite sand at home and white play sand at work. I think the black sand looks more "natural" in that its not quite jet black, its more of a black/brown potting soil color. Seems finer than the play sand. The play sand however is "cleaner". The flourite was a real mess for like a week. Couldn't see my finger in the tank unless I pressed it against the glass...looked like a muddy puddle. Its fine now though, unless I really stir it up.

I think what it comes down to is what your tanks inhabitants will look better in. At work with the play sand I have albino corys, I like that they kinda blend into it like little ghosts. At home I have peppered corys and bright community fish that really stand out against the dark sand...which is important to me because my daughter has very poor vision and only in one eye. I wanted the fish to be as visible as possible.

After googling the fish in question, I'd recommend play sand. That fish would completely disappear in the black flourite sand, you'd never see it again. lol Although the fish would probably prefer that. :lol:

Come to think of it, I saw some of these in a LFS and I thought they were dead till I informed the owner and he came along and, after I pointed them out and he actually saw them, he poked them till they realized playing dead wasn't working anymore. Heres the site I looked at, they mention the visibility issue. [URL="http://aqualandpetsplus.com/Catfish"]http://aqualandpetsplus.com/Catfish, Banjo.htm[/URL]

Weird, you have to copy and paste that link, there actually is a space in it that supposed to be there. Didn't know that could work in a url.
i have a banjo catfish - pic in my avatar - and i love it. i want to get some more and breed them but i need to get a bigger tank setup first. i would go with the play sand. i have a hard time finding it during the day as it is. you might want to invest in a moon light for night viewing otherwise you probably will not ever see it move unless you deliberately dig it up or a snail crawls across it, which is pretty funny to watch it shake snails off lol. iv heard they will travel in packs at night searching for food and i would love to see this, though i cant vouch that it is true since i have not personally experienced it. also, be aware that they are very hardy and if you think its dead... its probably not. they play dead very well. and i mean very well. i have heard many stories of ppl messing with them to try and get them to move and see a sign of life and all they do is just chill out wait for the person to leave it alone. if you have any questions PM me ill be glad to help you out with these.
i have decided to keep banjo catfish, but before i add them, im going to change my fine gravel into very fine sand and i was wondering what type would be best, i need something fine enough for them to burrow in easily and safely. any ideas?
thanks, jamie
many use Tesco or Argos Play Sand, you can also use kiln dried/silver sand. these are roughly the same price. as with all thing that say "aquarium" on the label the gear sold especially for fish keeping, though it has more colour choices, if often no better and clearly more expensive. play sand is also said to be good for planting too.
play sand it is then! thanks for the help. i cant wait to get them - it was love at first sight lol!
play sand it is then! thanks for the help. i cant wait to get them - it was love at first sight lol!

Try pool filter sand...

humm, interesting, a bit more expensive. but the colour i have seen looks nice. still, interesting though it is, I would like to hear more about it before recommending it!

I'm not certain I'm remembering correctly but I think I read it was a larger grain size than play sand.
yes, that's what i read to. but its the more even and smoother edges that make me think it may be a good substrate. plus some of the colours, red/orange shades, look quite interesting. the only, real, problem might be, that the smother more regular shape may make substrate drift a problem,
not a problem for me so far... i wanted to get play sand at 1st but i read in some threads that they "might" have harmful stuff in it. Also, i picked this type coz of the rounder and smoother grain, just for my bottom feeders =)
not a problem for me so far... i wanted to get play sand at 1st but i read in some threads that they "might" have harmful stuff in it. Also, i picked this type coz of the rounder and smoother grain, just for my bottom feeders =)
i am not sure what "harmful" stuff might be in playsand. do you remember what it was said to be?

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