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  1. R

    molly can it happen

    That is not gonna produce fry. Platies and Swords can interbreed, but Mollies can't crossbreed with anything.
  2. R

    Swordtail/Platy Breeding

    post pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper: :kewlpics: :D B)
  3. R

    Swordtail/Platy Breeding

    You know Xavier, there is no chance of prettyboy and big mama pruducing fry...they may breed alot but their genes are too different too combine at all, so there will be no fry from those matings, big mama may have babies but probably from sperm she stored from a mating with one of her own kind...
  4. R

    Swordtail/Platy Breeding

    If the females are bred too much too quicly (like with all four males very close together), the females could die.
  5. R

    Swordtail/Platy Breeding

    ohhhh, i'm sorry, i thought those were the fish you just bought at the store. :whistle: sorry lol :lol: From what i've heard, you need not do anything special too get hybrids :alien: , the only thing i see wrong is the fact you have four male fish to three females....your supposed to have...
  6. R

    Swordtail/Platy Breeding

    tell me how many swordtails and platies are in the tank and i'll tell you if you have a chance of any swordtail/platy crosses :P .
  7. R

    Cory breeding

    ohh, ok so the albino is the bronze type ok, does anyone know if they can interbreed (the peppered and albino)
  8. R

    Cory breeding

    I know peppered Cories, and albino cories (the bronze albino kind), are not the same type, but i know they are both types of cories, so can they intertbreed??
  9. R

    Black Mollies

    He chases her constantly, my tank is planted, and conditions are perfect but she has never shown sighns of pregnancy and has never had babies.EVER!!!!!!!! i know it's weird :alien:
  10. R


    I don't have one, i was just wondering if that would work because i'm trying to save up for one. so apair of oscars, my pleco, and 3-4 tinfoil barbs???
  11. R


    How many oscars can i keep in a 120 gallon with just a pleco for company? I am guessing 2-3.
  12. R

    Black Mollies

    I first bought 2 black mollies 4-6 months ago and the female got really fat, then got really really skinny, and died, I assume she had babies and died, the only prob was that i never found any babies. I got another one about 3 months ago and she has not given birth once!!! Do you think i have...
  13. R


    My platies and mollies mix perfectly!!!! :)
  14. R


    i did have 3 tiger barbs a little while back, one of each color, and i went on a vac, and came bac to justthe normal barb left, i brought him to the petstore for store credit because i didn't think he would be happy all alone..... :-(
  15. R


    they wont bother guppies???
  16. R


    how many and what type of barbs couldikeepin my 20 gallon with the fish in my sig??
  17. R

    Gill prob

    my female platy has stringlike stuff coming out ofher gills, what is it?? :dunno: please help fast!!!!! :byebye:
  18. R

    Anonymous, or not

    How do i change my profile so i'm not an anonymous user???? :dunno:
  19. R

    Dead guppies....

    ohh.... mine didn't have any fungus on his tail at all
  20. R

    the female carries a handbag

    the females have a normal anal fin, and the male has a pointed anal fin called a gonopodium hope this helps out :thumbs:
  21. R

    Dalmatian Molly And Balloon Molly Breeding

    it is possible for any type of molly to breed with any other type, just like dogs, the type doesn't make a difference, as long as they are the same species, wich all mollies are, except for the giant mollies, wich grow too be four inches long. i think the gestation period is about three to five...
  22. R

    Dead guppies....

    i got my water tested from the lfs today and she said every thing looked fine except for my ph, which is really really really low. :X what can make ph change, the county hasn't put anything new in the water, so what could have caused it?? :blink: when i recently took a vacation to...
  23. R

    Dead guppies....

    thx, i'll just go down to the lfs and look for thebiggest and heathiest
  24. R

    Dead guppies....

    in the last three days, i've gone thru 3 guppies, what am i doing wrong????? :sick: :crazy: fish in sig
  25. R

    1 Fry Left

    :thumbs: put flakes in a ziplock bag, crush the flakes into powder then dipone end of a toothpick in water then bip into the crushed up flakes and put it into the tank!!
  26. R

    Do you prefer Bettas or Guppies

    why does everyone say"bettas are more colorful"??? Thats not true at all!!!! Guppies come in way more color and patterns!!!! Guppies Rule!!!!!!!!!!!! :sly: :P :P B) B)
  27. R

    dead guppy

    if the betta was a male, and the guppy was a male also the betta probably mistook the guppy for a rival male betta, i've heard of this happening before. -_-
  28. R

    my platy had fry, but shes still fat?

    does she still have a gravid spot??
  29. R

    Fry Frenzie Care!

    you may want to seperate the cichlid babies from the livebearer fry, beacause the cichlid fry may grow larger and you'll come home one day to a tank full of fat cichlids!! :crazy:
  30. R

    How long does it take for a molly to have fry

    just put all of the babies in the betta hex, and yes, the babies grow really depending on what you feed them. p.s. congrats on the babies!!!!!! :D :D
  31. R

    4 babies so far, how long will it take for them...

    sometimes, the new little babies will change colors slightly, the babies might be ok in there, but i would put them in a spare 1 gallon or something like that. :thumbs:
  32. R

    albino Mickey Mouse Platy?

    That's true, albino anythings don't have any black at all. :thumbs:
  33. R


    I finally got a new pair of guppies, they both look like some kind of snakeskin, i'll post pics tommorrow!!!!!! :D :) :D :) :D :lol: B) :rolleyes: B) :lol:
  34. R

    Take a look tell me what ya think

    that's sick,why say something like that??
  35. R

    Newbie here

    Welcome silentwhispers!!!! :cool: :clap: :clap: :)
  36. R

    Breeding Mollies

    I would suggest maybe turning your blue gourami in for some store credit so you can get 2 wag platies, 2 swordtails, 1 molie, all females. That's just what i suggest, i hope that helps if you have any more questions, just post them in the here and i'll do the best i can to help!! :nod: B)
  37. R


    My tank is overrun with snails!!!!!!!!!!! is there any poison to kill them without hurting my fish???
  38. R

    Breeding Mollies

    No problem, i like helping :D , so tell me how many fish (by species) you have in there right now, and i can tell you how many more i would recomend :thumbs:
  39. R


    Yes, 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: ;) :D :thumbs:
  40. R

    Guppy and filter

    I have a penguin mini bio-wheel for a 20 gallon which i havea 20, and i was wondering, will the current and intake, be to strong for the guppies???