Cory breeding


Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I know peppered Cories, and albino cories (the bronze albino kind), are not the same type, but i know they are both types of cories, so can they intertbreed??
Hi Robert :)

I don't think they can, but the bronze and albino C. aeneus can because they are color variations of the same fish. :)
I was under the impression that C. Aenus are fairly easy (apart from eating their eggs) but that the others can be harder...

I just want to point out that right now the ad at the bottom of this apge reads "Corey, yes you, Corey, we have your UK credit score, file and even your postcode."

It is actually fairly easy to breed C. aeneus, bronze and albinos. Mine have never showed any inclination to eat their eggs even if I leave them in the tank with them until close to hatching time. In fact, they tend to clean the eggs and to remove any that are starting to fungus. :D

I have frequently recommended them to members who would like to start breeding egg laying fish. :thumbs:

When it comes to eating their eggs, it often depends on the individual fish. My pandas eat theirs if I don't remove them very quickly. :eek:

I don't think anyone has to worry about albinos and peppered corys breeding together. :no:

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