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  1. B

    Black ghost questions

    I'm not familiar with gallon as to size of tank like I use. If it's a 4ftx2ftx2ft or similar and bigger there should be no drama's with 2 BGK's. Buy them together from the same tank in the lfs and things should be fine. Although I have a 28cm BGK and a 15cm BGK in together in an 8ftx2ftx2.5ft...
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    Salmon catfish

    Salmontail Catfish are awesome because they are 1 of the few fish that retain their shark like appearance. Just so your aware they grow to around the 90cm or 3ft mark, however the variation in the Northern Territory only get to around 60cm or 2 ft. They are quite common here in Queensland...
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    Botia Iohachata- Pakistani Loach?

    Thanks for the info fella's. I had seen the first link this morning but didn't know about the loach forum. Will definately be checking it out. Hopefully around the end of xmas I will be pulling my tank down and re doing it. Hopefully it'll be finished by the middle of January. My/the missus...
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    Black ghost questions

    I was going to make a catfish tank with low lighting etc. However now if I get the time, money and chance I will go for a nocturnal tank instead with a bucketload of different catfish, BGK's and other nocturnal fish. Here's to dreaming.
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    Botia Iohachata- Pakistani Loach?

    I'm looking for infromation regarding temperament, water conditions etc. for Botia Iohachata or commonly called the Pakistani Loach here in Australia. I'm also after people's personal experiences with them as well. Any information is much appreciated. Cheers, Bryce.
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    Black ghost questions

    If RTS is signifying a Red Tailed Black Shark you have no drama's from my experience. I have 2 BGK's in with 2 Red Tailed Black Sharks and I have no drama's. 1 BGK is the same size as the RTBS's and 1 BGK is quite a bit larger. Hope this helps. Cheers, Bryce.
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    Black Ghost Knife

    VIP, My cheer will be sort of the same next week, just adapted as they are playing the Dogs. The cheers will be BLO THE STORM :D Cheers, Bryce.
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    Black Ghost Knife

    nutter, Would you have a picture of your BGK, preferrably side on if at all possible.. It'd be awesome at the size you are talking about. Cheers, Bryce.
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    Does any one have?

    I have 2 Asian Bumble Bee cats. 1 of which can usually be found with 1 of my BGK's. Usually he is only seen at night but does come out occasionally during the day for a feed. The other 1 hides in a stump that I have and can be seen quite readily as it is sheltered and dark. The stump itself is...
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    Elephant Noses???????

    Sorry forgot something from my previous post. I can't tell for certain as I don't think anyone really knows for sure but from reading a heap about BGK's it seems that most fish with electrical fields or whatever are like todays cars with central locking. That being they work at different...
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    Elephant Noses???????

    Some people have success with Elephant Noses and other electrical fish, some don't. I've got 2 in with 2 Black Ghost Knife fish and never had a drama, others have had dramas and don't keep that conbination together, I also have 2 Gold Severum's and 2 Green Severum's in the same tank along with 6...
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    Side Drop Filter Q's

    Just wondering if anyone has used such a filter type? What are your thoughts, experiences and any sites with examples, technical data, things like air flow/outlet pipe size in relation to flow rates etc. Any help much appreciated. Cheers, Bryce.
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    Grammar patrol

    When I first started to read this post I thought my lysdexia was playing up on me again and I started to fomp my stoot, then I saw some of you sticking up for us poor spellers and started to hap my clands. Maybe we could suggest a fire wall that blocks out the spelling mistakes as well as swear...
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    Sexing Butterflyfish, or BGK

    vangtE, This link has been posted on another forum that I am on. It's not that they don't know how to vent sex, as most of them breed other fish that require to be sexed in this fashion it's that they said they weren't able to sex BGK's in this fashion. Today I will be doing a major water change...
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    Sexing Butterflyfish, or BGK

    BlueIce, You are entitled to make your own mind up as we all are and I can understand your stance on this subject. Don't forget however that there is still sites out there saying that breeding BGK's in a home aquarium is not possible, however most now say that it is being done in Qld with no...
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    Sexing Butterflyfish, or BGK

    vantgE, Checked a couple of people regarding vent sexing. So far they have come back with it not being a way of sexing BGK's. However some said that they had never tried sexing them in this fashion as it was easier and less stressful to the fish with doing it by the appearance method. Will keep...
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    Sexing Elephant Noses?

    The missus is wondering if there is any way of sexing her elephant noses. She's also after info on breeding them, whether or not it has been done, how, good places to look info etc and any forums dedicated to them. Any help/information very much appreciated. Cheers, Bryce.
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    Sexing Butterflyfish, or BGK

    vantgE, I must say that I have never looked into it nor thought about asking about it either. I will endeavour to find out though. Cheers, Bryce.
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    Black Ghost knifes and cichlids

    I think the thing that has helped me in the compatibility compartment is the addition of fish at small sizes. All fish are now no bigger than 7-8cm other than the 2 BGK's, the sailfin pleco, 1 angel and the gold spot. I'm going to be adding some Corydora's of varying types (around another 15) as...
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    Black Ghost knifes and cichlids

    The tank is 8ftx2ftx2.5ft (LxWxH) and holds 1200 litres. I'm looking at whacking a few more things in within the next month or 2. Then it will finally fully stocked. Sorry I also forgot the 2 Bolivian Butterflies and the 2 Blue Rams as well. Cheers, Bryce.
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    Sexing Butterflyfish, or BGK

    This method was picked up and has continued to be used by breeders through having seen the females deposit the eggs for the male to fertilise, therefore by them watching this process they have been able to distinguish the differences between the 2 sexes by observing them and applying it to the...
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    Sexing Butterflyfish, or BGK

    Fellas, you'd be interested to know that here in Queensland, Australia there is no less than 10 breeders of BGK's. 1 of which has about 8 breeding pairs. It was from actual breeders both past and present that I was first of all told, then shown how to sex them. When I was actually shown how to...
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    Black Ghost knifes and cichlids

    rjarcher, I'll list the fish that I have in with my 2 BGK's as it is probably easier to do it that way then others can add to it. 6 Silver Dollars 6 Clown Loaches 4 Red Forest Jewels 4 Parrot Cichlids 4 Fire Mouths 4 Blue Acara 4 Rainbow Cichlids 4 Humpheads 3 Corydora Trillineatus 3 Bristle...
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    Background on Tank

    For ease the latex ones aren't bad. I prefer to make my own out of styrofoam as I can make them exactly the way I want the with the clours that I want and to the thichness that I want. They can be very realistic and the only boundary is your imagination. Cheers, Bryce.
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    Sexing Butterflyfish, or BGK

    KribFreak, It is far from impossible to sex BGK's. However it is quite hard as the differences in what I will explain takes a fair amount of observation and the right angle to see them from. It also helps if you have 1 of either sex when you first give it a go. The way to tell is as such. The...
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    electrical fish together?

    BlueIce, FMZ is right. I don't have a link but know some breeders of BGK's and that is who gave me the info on how to sex/breed them then shown how to sex them, as of yet I haven't got the tank space to get my breeding program happening. I have searched the net high and low for info on these...
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    Drift wood

    By boiling the wood before putting it in the tank supposedly releases a lot of the tannins the wood contains. Therefore less released into your tank. We're pretty lucky here in Australia as it isn't too far, well for me anyway to find some scrub with suitable wood, or mangroves with really good...
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    electrical fish together?

    FMZ, Sorry I don't have a digi cam. I'll try to get my hands on one and see what I can do. When I first found out the above on how to sex them I found it almost impossible. However I spent a bucket load of time watching the one I had at the time, then when I went to a lfs I spent even more time...
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    electrical fish together?

    FMZ, In my own opinion I think compatibility comes down to the individual fish. Some fish no matter what species can be domineering and aggressive whilst others can be passive and get along with anything, much in the same way as humans. Much to the dismay of some "experts", as fish will adapt to...
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    electrical fish together?

    BlueIce, Some nice photo's there. Besides the Severum what other fish do you have in with them? Do you only have 2 BGK's or do you have more? Do you know what sex they are? If not post a side on photo of each and I'll explain what they are, as in male or female and how to sex them. Cheers, Bryce.
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    electrical fish together?

    Vip, I haven't heard of a Pleco and a BGK fighting over the same territory before, thats not to say that it hasn't happened. The reason for this that springs to my mind is that maybe there isn't enough space or avenue's for which they can find their own hidey hole without being interupted or...
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    electrical fish together?

    Vip, I'm not trying to offend or sound offensive here. However you were not home when the pleco had his fins damaged so I find it hard to believe that you could automatically jump to the conclusion that it was the BGK. What other fish have you got in the tank? It could have been one of the...
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    electrical fish together?

    Warrior, Yeah, it seems to be a great misconception with these fish, as is other info that seems to float around in regards to them. I 'm also sorry to hear about your experiences with them. I have been very fortunate in that I have never had anything like this happen to me and have found them...
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    black ghost + gouramis = ??

    From my own experience I have found that BGK's are tolerant of smaller fish given the right circumstances. I have a feeder fish, a danio and a heap of different sorts of corydora's in my tank that are no larger than 3 cm. My biggest BGK (I have 2 in the tank) is around 25cm and well and truly...
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    Elephant Nose

    When we first got ours they were quiet timid as well and didn't seem to be feeding. However fish seem to know when and where you are in a room. Try putting the food in and stepping away from the tank so that you are almost hidden and watch, you may be suprised. Ours slowly came around and feed...
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    elephant nose

    What are the dimensions of your tank? Sorry I'm not used to the size of tanks being indicated by gallon's as we use feet and inches to indicate ours here in Australia. The other thing is that dependant on the size of the tank would depend on the amount of Elephant Noses that I would add. I have...
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    electrical fish together?

    Thanks everyone for the welcome. As far as sticking around that would be a definate yes. Did I see the BGK take apart the Black Shark? Did I what, it was one of the most clinical demonstrations of pure aggression that I have seen when it comes to fish. It took all of about 5 seconds at the...
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    electrical fish together?

    At the risk of starting something I have 2 BGK's and 2 Elephant Noses in the one tank. One BGK is 25cm and the other is only 12cm. There is some aggression shown between these two BGK's but only at feeding time when one gets in the way of another or takes it's food, never at any other stage. I...