Elephant Noses???????


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, I wanna make sure I gave the right Info today to customers.

No Other Electrical type fish in the tank.

PPl That bought them already had Things Like Clown loaches And Both Couples had Sev's.

They will be ok with these Fish Won't they...........??????? :unsure:

I don't want them to die.


+ Reed Fish 14 Inches Plus, Ok with Sev's and Weather Loaches. :unsure:


5 Gallon Eclipse's - Cold

5 Madagascar Rainbows
1 Fantail + 5 WMC
A Betta + 2 Corys + Some WMC/ Rainbows (Not allowed to tell ppl they can have this set up as Store Did not Like it). :angry:


Thats all my Questions for today, but rest assured I will Have more Tommorrow
I would say yes- but what are And Both Couples had Sev's?
Also, for random information, you can have more than one electrical fish in a tank-the fish just change their 'frequencies' in their tail so they don't interfere with each other-saw it on Discovery Channel.
Elephant noses should only be kept on a sand substrate, they need lots of specialist food and are very shy. These fish are really best in a specimen tank but will tolerate other tank mates.
Being so shy they will not compete for food easily and can often starve. Best fed after lights out and given a planted tank.
As far as i know you shouldn`t keep electric fish together and these will not tolerate their own kind. Their noses are very delicate and are actually an extension of the jaw which is at the top of this.
I keep mine with some butterfly fish and baby polypterus but he is vey shy and the polypterus are soon to come out.
Rope fish sound like a good mix.
Some people have success with Elephant Noses and other electrical fish, some don't. I've got 2 in with 2 Black Ghost Knife fish and never had a drama, others have had dramas and don't keep that conbination together, I also have 2 Gold Severum's and 2 Green Severum's in the same tank along with 6 Clown Loaches and the gentlest ones out of the lot are the severums. It all comes down to personal experiences I think. The 2 Elephant Noses that I have are always out, sometimes chasing each other but a lot of the time off by themselves. I may also be lucky in that they compete for food with the other fish at feeding time and never had a drama with them at all. As I said I may have been lucky with them, others may have not been so lucky. I think the other thing that helps a lot is introducing fish at young ages/small sizes as in my experiences they seem to grow more tolerant of each other which carries over to when they are adult sizes. Hope this helps.
psgill00 said:
Ok, I wanna make sure I gave the right Info today to customers.

No Other Electrical type fish in the tank.

PPl That bought them already had Things Like Clown loaches And Both Couples had Sev's.

They will be ok with these Fish Won't they...........??????? :unsure:

I don't want them to die.


+ Reed Fish 14 Inches Plus, Ok with Sev's and Weather Loaches. :unsure:


5 Gallon Eclipse's - Cold

5 Madagascar Rainbows
1 Fantail + 5 WMC
A Betta + 2 Corys + Some WMC/ Rainbows (Not allowed to tell ppl they can have this set up as Store Did not Like it). :angry:


Thats all my Questions for today, but rest assured I will Have more Tommorrow
incorrect info...myth...false... ;)

Electrical fish go very well together..the electric impulse is very low..it does NOT affect other fish in any way ,shape or form.It is used soley for locating food.

Clowns and Sevs should be fine with the elephant nose .
Thanks for the Info Guys.
Sorry forgot something from my previous post. I can't tell for certain as I don't think anyone really knows for sure but from reading a heap about BGK's it seems that most fish with electrical fields or whatever are like todays cars with central locking. That being they work at different frequencies etc. in order not to interfere with others and lose one of their senses or the advantage of that sense especially during territorial disputes for example. As they also use this electrical field for navigation as well. Now whether or not this is an individual thing or a species thing in which subtle differences occur I'm not sure and I don't think anyone else knows for sure either. Hope this helps.

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