Sexing Butterflyfish, or BGK

Checked a couple of people regarding vent sexing. So far they have come back with it not being a way of sexing BGK's. However some said that they had never tried sexing them in this fashion as it was easier and less stressful to the fish with doing it by the appearance method. Will keep looking into it though as it was a good suggestion/question that I had never thought of looking into.
Without proof,I just can't buy into it.
I have seen to many experts in the field saying there is no way to sex the bgk visually...and I don't mean a single individual trying to breed bgk in a tank at home..
I need proof...long term studies,pics,etc...

Such as has been given over and over by the experts stating there is no way to visually sex them.

I think it's wonderful if they are being bred by people bryce2003 knows...but so far all I have is his word on it...after all the studies I've read that document years and years of proof...well..I think I'll wait for this proof as well.
You are entitled to make your own mind up as we all are and I can understand your stance on this subject. Don't forget however that there is still sites out there saying that breeding BGK's in a home aquarium is not possible, however most now say that it is being done in Qld with no further information given. Other than those things above that will change your mind there is 1 other way. That is to give breeding a go yourself then you will find out for yourself whether it be correct or not. Most breeders are reluctant to give the info out let alone take time out from their fish, worklife etc. as don't forget most breeders can only afford to do this on the side and to sit down and write reports on it and have it verified by others is not even a consideration. I'm not trying to be offensive nor judgemental as you like me seem to be 1 of those people who has to see to believe.
This link has been posted on another forum that I am on. It's not that they don't know how to vent sex, as most of them breed other fish that require to be sexed in this fashion it's that they said they weren't able to sex BGK's in this fashion.
Today I will be doing a major water change and some maintenance on the tank, I will endeavour to check this out with my own. More than likely however it will be in a week or 2 as they are just starting to get over a minor whitespot infection and I'm not keen on stressing them any more than the water change does for a while.

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