Grammar patrol

I tink dat u ppl r mad cos u luv 2 crap all da time u r on9.

How was that? :D Is that the kind of sentence you hate?


ps: the sentence is just an example, no offence to anyone.
u r tlkin rubish pt u luv tlkin like dat i tink ur mad 2 lol ur mad :nod:

(Hey its hard trying talk like that ) :p
If "prper" English is so important to you, find and English forum and chat there. I am a fairly good speller, but a lousy typist, so mistakes happen. I also am not taking a test, so I don't care if I misspell something. I think my posts are legible, misspellings and all. And more importantly, the internet is global. Not everyone here speaks English as a primary language. If you want to be anal about spelling, try using a forum where you have to type in a language that is not your first and you are not all that proficent. When you are perfect, then, maybe, you can start to judge people.

When I first started to read this post I thought my lysdexia was playing up on me again and I started to fomp my stoot, then I saw some of you sticking up for us poor spellers and started to hap my clands. Maybe we could suggest a fire wall that blocks out the spelling mistakes as well as swear words. As long as they don't bring in a stupid test as this could be the last conversation I get to have here. Hopefully this does not offend and people take it with the grain of salt it deserves.
No, it's just a very random comment for a fish forum.
I just have to say that I find the "text-speak" extremely annoying. It is difficult to read and I find myself bypassing posts by people that I know will use it. If you are going to put up a post asking for assistance, at least have the courtesy to make it easy on the reader. I understand about the spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Nobody is perfect. But I don't understand why anyone would go out of their way to post in this "text" language that the rest of us have to decipher before we can answer.
really! who cares anyways. but if you do, the proper grammer would be simply "oddball institute" for that still implies there is more than one. your wrong anyways, so just forget it, and stop saying things like that that only waste peoples time. :angry: -_-

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