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  1. D

    Help Cardinal Tetra Problem!

    If its only problem is being a loner dont worry about it if its hanging around at the top or bottomof the tank looking ill or off colour then worry about it, Ive often found some fish are a bit more of a loner than the main school. Hadd it with all sorts of schooling fish that one just doesnt...
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    Live Rock For A Tropical Tank

    I sold a lot of live rock a few years back, cant remember now what I spent the money on but Id rather have done that than end up with lots of wasted rock. Its worth noting that although live rock wont work in the same format in a FW tank you CAN get the same denytrifying bacterial effects in a...
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    What Temp Is Too High?

    31 is going to be causing you some problems with a lot of species want to drop that down to 27 at least if your heater is on its lowest setting then it is faulty and needs replacing, unfortunately I cant remember the juwel internals well enough to know if a standard heater will drop in. That...
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    What Temp Is Too High?

    I would tend to disagree with that one, theres no need to do 20% a week unless your tank IS producing enough nitrates to warrant that or you are using up minerals fast enough to warrant that sort of replacement rate. Youve got to work out what your own tank needs depending on your fish loads...
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    tank size would be fine. Just be warned if two of the angels pair up the third may get chased. Might need a back up plan there in case that happens.
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    Little People

    Standard filter will stop it stinking, just like in a normal tank, and the local blennies and anenomies will take flake within a day of capture, heck blennies are so greedy you can often use flake as bait :D. Scampering around in rock pools is half the fun :D
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    Little People

    I screw the light holders to the front or back of the surround or if Im using glass condensation trays (my preference) you can just sit the tubes on top of the glass. Native marine tanks are dead cheap to run, all you need is a filter, fill up with natural sea water, get some sands and rocks...
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    Ages.... Who And What Age....

    Love native marines and NSW, and mixed some of them with full reef setups as well :D. the local anenome's go well in a reef tank and the local blennies can take full reef temps as well. Just got to know what species will take temperatures, never tried keeping the really sensitive speices, always...
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    Little People

    Heres a couple of the sort of stands \ surrounds that I build for tanks This was a biosystem experiment tank, setup a couple of years ago was going well for about 9 months till the pumps failed whilst I was on holiday :( Kept 3 guppies in marine conditions un fed in a unskimmed tank with live...
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    Little People

    I dont think ANY of my tanks have hoods, I tend to make up my own surrounds for fish tanks, and dont bother with full hoods.
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    Advice On Tropical Tank

    The filter bacteria population can double every 8 hours although the population may start small it doesnt take long to get up to speed starting with a single cell you would have a population of 1000000 in 6 days, start with 1000 and within the same 6 days you would have a population of 1...
  12. D

    Little People

    Something that flows around 500-600lph will do just fine the tetratec 600plus is a decent filter for that size with the bonus of being able to clean half the filter at a time, although anything with that sort of flow rate is fine. You get roughly what you pay for a cheap filter is unlikely to...
  13. D

    Advice On Tropical Tank

    Yeah add 2/3 fish a week, so 3 corries the next week, etc, although tetras I would add as a group in one go when the tanks had fish in for a month or so, and then skip feeding them for a day or so.
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    Upgrading To Larger Tank

    Personally Im more of a fan of external filters than juwel ones, more flexibity for later uses, and I think the juwel filters are ugly. but many cannister filters allow you to carry different types of media and you can improvise to make things fit, a matured sponge filter pad can be cut up and...
  15. D

    Added Some Wood To The Tank.........

    I would have to agree on recommending a dedicated aquarium sealant, although you "might" be getting an identical product in another tube cheap from the builders merchants they just dont give you enough information to know for sure :(.
  16. D

    Advice On Tropical Tank

    Depends on your local water really. I live in an area with relatively soft water so would go for Ancistus plec, 8 cardinal tetras, 6 cory's and maybe a pair of rams or similiar dwarf cichlids. that would be my sort of set up anyway. Im not a fan of fishless cycling, I tend to stock slowly and...
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    Added Some Wood To The Tank.........

    Are you sure your silicon is tank safe? some have anti fungal ingredients etc that can make fish ill.
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    Added Some Wood To The Tank.........

    I never silicon things to tanks, probably because I like flexibility I dont consider any tank permanent, because I know that I might want a change in 2 years time.
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    Upgrading To Larger Tank

    I would have no problem swapping fish water and media from an established tank into a new tank all in one go and have done so many times but then Ive been keeping fish for decades and dont keep tanks which are running on the limits. With a good well balanced aquarium it would have no side...
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    Added Some Wood To The Tank.........

    no need to weight it down it will sink itself after a few days of proper soaking, I normally presoak wood for 1-2 days refilling from time to time with boiled water. I doubt the wood will cause any problems. Ive used non pet shop tree roots in big tanks without any problems.
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    Little People

    Yeah Ive been using something fishy since they were teign tropics, 20+ years ago :D , their fish quality can vary although they did have some nicely coloured malawi cichlids in recently and can come up with some really amazing batches of fish at times seen some really nice guppies of all things...
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    Little People

    Aquator are normally pretty good, some of the best kept tanks in the area, Im surprised they didnt ask about tanks for the RTB although anyone can have an off day, they are normally pretty well clued up in there. You dont need a big filter for a tank that size, probably 60"x15"x12"a little...
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    Ages.... Who And What Age....

    Age 29, 3rd Generation fish keeper, I dont remember a time without fish. I do however remember when all our fish tanks had metal frames :D How many fish do I have? good question... really not sure at all, down to 4 tanks running at the moment but some of my fish live with other family...
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    Little People

    just noticed you are local to me, who sold you a gibbiceps and red tail shark to go into that size tank :angry: ? what are the other dimensions on that 5' tank? surely you can move things around somehow :D in a tank the size of your hexagon tank I could see a red tail shark stressing other...
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    Little People

    The red tail shark is labeo bicolor, and yes they get to 6" and Ive seen them dominate 5' tanks and had to rescue good sized cichlids from them before!
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    Little People

    Ancistrus \ bristlenose makes for a good smaller size plec, stay quite small, and work well. Less prone to aggression (in my experience) than the gibbiceps as well.
  27. D

    Filter Help!

    If the rotor is spinning in water with no air present it should be quiet even very cheap filters Ive had at times have been able to run quietly, although normally with a shorter life spans :D. Sometimes air pockets inside a filter can cause noise, normally the likes of interal filters you can...
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    Filter Help!

    IF that is designed to hold up the propellor then it will be noisey without it as well as possible wearing and damageing the filter. need actual pictures or instruction scans to give further advice I think :(
  29. D

    Hello All

    Theres whole areas of fish keeping \ species which I have little or no experience with so sure theres people who can help when I come to something I need help with. Im sure the forums got some cory experts around, who might be able to come up with suggestions when I want to breed adolfois etc...
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    Filter Help!

    HArd to make out from the picture and tring to fit any sort of meaning of stand off to it... Im wondering if its meant to go on the motor holding the propellor in place or something like that?
  31. D

    Filter Help!

    Many noises may sound like a motor noise but not actually be the motor making the noise, the motor itself should be nearly silent in operation especially with the motor being surrounded by water which will dampen the noise, but things like air bubbles and vibrations may sound like a motor being...
  32. D

    Filter Help!

    so is the black plastic pipe extension what they are referring to as a stand off? if so its not needed and wont make much odds to the noise of the filter. Id recommend some duck tape \ tank tap over the top edge and down the back of the tank covering the main contact points of the filter with...
  33. D

    Filter Help!

    First try to eliminate the tank rattle temporarily with a sock or something, so that you can hear if there is any other noise (will try for a permanent solution once weve got a photo). I found my hang on filter was quite noisey due to the flow control bit leaking a bit of air so I removed the...
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    Neon Tetra.

    Dont use the price to see if you got a good deal its the condition and survival rate of the fish that is all important. Well worth paying double the money to get a fish that has been properly quaranteened, conditioned and acclimatised, as opposed to getting a fish half price that was imported...
  35. D

    Filter Help!

    Got any pictures of the filter and the stand off? might well be exactly the piece you need, is the sf1020 a hang on filter which hangs over the back of the tank? I couldnt find any pictures of the filter youve got to help know exactly how to quieten it down, but perhaps some sort of padding...
  36. D

    Hello All

    Hi there just introducing myself, Im David from Devon, 3rd Generation fish keeper ex small time fish wholesaler, been around a few forums in the past but been out of the scene for a couple of years with house moves and having a couple more children (4 now) meaning I had to lose my big tanks \...
  37. D

    Filter Help!

    What type \ brand of filter is it? many filters can be quietened down by repositioning or vibration dampening etc. You can filter a tank very quietly and its probably more worthwhile spending your money now on a quiet filter or adapting your current filter to be quieter than spending money...
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    Are Lights Necesary

    Fish dont synthesize Vitamin D in their skin using sunlight as humans do, Fish get their entire vitamin D content from their food. Most of the fish's Vitamin D will start off in aquatic plants or algae or phytoplankton etc and work its way through to the fish. Hence cave dwellers, black water...