Live Rock For A Tropical Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 1, 2006
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i am converting my marine tank back in to a tropical set up. which means i am left over with quite a fair bit of live rock. now i know it will have no actual benefit in a tropical setup. but is it o.k to use as decoration. i would give it a good clean up first
i would rather keep it as i won't get much for it yet it cost a fortune to buy. hence why i would like to know if it is o.k in a tropical set up
i do miss my marine set up but i had a outbreak of white spot now everything is dead going back to the tropicals, i missed the breeding
Doesn't live rock contain a fair amount of calcium carbonate? I'd be worried about it messing with your water hardness/pH.
i guess iwill have to sell and get lots of bogwood
I've just done exactly the same thing (hence the username). I am using the live rock just like you but have decided to take it out. If you keep it you'll need to go for fish which like PH at about 8. Malawis maybe?? I would recommend selling it. I've just killed about 35kg of LR and i'm now throwing it out :sick:
I sold a lot of live rock a few years back, cant remember now what I spent the money on but Id rather have done that than end up with lots of wasted rock.

Its worth noting that although live rock wont work in the same format in a FW tank you CAN get the same denytrifying bacterial effects in a FW tank, in a FW tank you need to set things up differently and its often just as easy to use plants to do the job instead.

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