Neon Tetra.


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2007
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how much are neon tetras, i want to know if i got jipped, it is the nice kind it has the blue and red strip from head to tail
i bought 5 for 24$
if it had a blue and red stripe from head to tail then it is a cardinal tetra. there about 3 - 6 bucks each depending were ur from. neon tetras are pretty much the same but the red stripe stops half way at the stomach. (red from tail to stomach and blue from head to tail. google them if you have a problem understanding my text..... neon tetras are bout 50 cents to 2 bucks each. there pretty much the same fish. but neon tetras get to about 2.5 - 3 centermeters were as cardinals get to about 4 - 5 centimeters.
if i recall correctly they are from the same family (characidae)........

so i would say you had a reasonable deal......

regards, community.......... P.S. welcome to the forum. if you have any more inquiries on the matter send me a pm....
glad to help a fellow aquariast....
its a cardinal i think.. they are so tiny they are like 2-3cm long and its canadian money
Dont use the price to see if you got a good deal its the condition and survival rate of the fish that is all important.

Well worth paying double the money to get a fish that has been properly quaranteened, conditioned and acclimatised, as opposed to getting a fish half price that was imported in a bag of 2000, from srilanka on wedneday shipped to the lfs on thursday and sold to you on Saturday.

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