Advice On Tropical Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2007
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Okkk, I have a 5 gallon tank (use for breeding lateron) and a 12 gallon tank.. 59cm length/36cm width/30 height..................23in/12in/11in

What fish would you reccommend after I fully fishless cycle the tank
I love tetrasssx

cheers rick :D

btw thanks to everyone on this site for any help they gave me or others

By the way I am a BEGGINERR thanks :D
Also can people be specific on how many fish :D Cause I dont wanna overstock after doing the fishless cycle and then have to restart

Depends on your local water really. I live in an area with relatively soft water so would go for Ancistus plec, 8 cardinal tetras, 6 cory's and maybe a pair of rams or similiar dwarf cichlids. that would be my sort of set up anyway. Im not a fan of fishless cycling, I tend to stock slowly and carefully instead would proably start with 2/3 cory's and feeding every other day, and build up from there.
So set up my 12 gallon tank?

Let it run for 7 days
Then add 2 cories...?
Then go from there :S?

Sorry im new to this and im only 16 lol
Yeah add 2/3 fish a week, so 3 corries the next week, etc, although tetras I would add as a group in one go when the tanks had fish in for a month or so, and then skip feeding them for a day or so.
So set up my 12 gallon tank?

Let it run for 7 days
Then add 2 cories...?
Then go from there :S?

Sorry I'm new to this and I'm only 16 lol

It is more than likely going to take you longer than a week to cycle your tank unless you put some good media into your tank... That's the only thing that will probably help you with your cycle...
The filter bacteria population can double every 8 hours although the population may start small it doesnt take long to get up to speed starting with a single cell you would have a population of 1000000 in 6 days, start with 1000 and within the same 6 days you would have a population of 1 billion, of course both starting figures given here as an example and finishing figures are nothing like those required for a tank filter, but a week is plenty of time to get a cycle going appropriate for a small population of fish, from there stocking slowly and keeping the final load light WILL work very well.

Starting with fish once chlorines gone and stocking slowly has been sucessfull; for starting up aquariums has been the way its done for decades, it takes patience, and inappropriate over fast stocking can cause problems, but starting slowly and cycling naturally works, and works very well.
omg :hyper: that is so wierd, im 16 as well and have a 15g tank and cycling to, when it has finished im thinking of puttin a few cherry barbs in then tetras then the gouramis, good luck with the stocking! :good:
omg :hyper: that is so wierd, im 16 as well and have a 15g tank and cycling to, when it has finished im thinking of puttin a few cherry barbs in then tetras then the gouramis, good luck with the stocking! :good:

Jodie I tried to pm you :( but iut wont let me

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