Little People


Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Torquay, Devon, England
ok so been looking in locallfs today, im gonna take my gibbicep and 2 algae eaters back....... whats thes best small chap to do their job? perhaps some kind of mini plec? if there is one......

and anyone know much about bumblebee goby's and normans lampeye? wanted to put a little shoal together (even though they may not shoal togther) of theses and some neons.....

all help appreciated
My vote is for a bristlenose. :good:
Aren't bumblebees brackish? (although admittedly the dodgy lfs where i used to work kept them in fresh).
Paraotoinclus jumbo (pitbull pleco) or otocinlus, keep these in groups though.... 4 or more...
wont a group of them be too much for my tank, its tall rather than long?

as for the bumblebees, I have no idea what they are other than in my lfs they were in with some tiny little plecs so dunno if that nmkaes a diff?
No you can't have the gobies they are brackish...
Pitbulls only get to 2" tops, normally an inch and a half....
Whats the gallonage and stocking.
They prefer water 20-26 celcius, prefer sandy substarte but many keep them with gravel, you should have some wood in the tank when keeping them and they are primarily scavenegers unlike a lot of plecos so will keep the substrate nice and clean.
Ok so no to the gobys, any thoughts on the lampeye? they looked pretty cool.

As for the tank its 19.732363636363636 ( i used that wicked calculator I saw in a link lol) gallons (UK). its hexagon in shape, 19 inches tall, 18 in length, 16 in width.

T have 2 large pieces of bogwood in the middle with 3 or 4 plastic plants, about 8 rocks of various sizes and some broken flower pots for caves etc, my substarte is a mix of sand and gravel, have 2 air stones going in there, and an elite stingray 15 (I think) filter.
What fish are there already?
Oh.. are the lampeyes killies? If so i haven't a clue...
sorry forgot the fish bit, I have

4 dalmation mollies
15 molly fry (hoping to trade in at lfs once big enough) (also will be in their own tank by end of week)
3 peppered(I think) corydoras
1 rtbs
1 gibbi
1 chinese algae eater
1 gold sucking loach

but obviously the molly fry, the 2 algae eaters and the gibbi are on their way to my lfs hopefully
Are you keeping the labeo?
:unsure: Evil!! and get to 6"
God i hate stocking/filtration levels, never in the mood for figures, i'm sure someone else will soon though, if the tank has been cycling fine i'd add 4 pitbulls and then your pretty much stocked. I'd really look at buying a small internal canister for extra filtration, it'll open your stocking up and prove benficial in the event of emergencies. Or are you planning on removing the fry tanks filter once you've got rid of the fry?
You could do with a few more cories as well.
Ancistrus \ bristlenose makes for a good smaller size plec, stay quite small, and work well. Less prone to aggression (in my experience) than the gibbiceps as well.
whats a labeo? do u mean the red tail black shark?

once the fry have moved on I wil be moving their box filter into the main tank until a situation arises either sick or babies that I need it in a small tank again.

Like the sound of the bristlenose and the pitbulls (gonna check them out now)
The red tail shark is labeo bicolor, and yes they get to 6" and Ive seen them dominate 5' tanks and had to rescue good sized cichlids from them before!
bugger so looks like he needs a new home too then!!

I do have a 5ft tank but nowhere to put it and no filter for it anyway (gutted)
bugger so looks like he needs a new home too then!!

I do have a 5ft tank but nowhere to put it and no filter for it anyway (gutted)

just noticed you are local to me, who sold you a gibbiceps and red tail shark to go into that size tank :angry: ?

what are the other dimensions on that 5' tank? surely you can move things around somehow :D in a tank the size of your hexagon tank I could see a red tail shark stressing other fish out quite quickly, might be worth giving it a try with a view to setting up your 5' tank soonish, but having a back up plan in case things go wrong. Stressed fish become ill quite quickly.
Aquator in Hele sold me the RTBS and 3 corys as my first fish and Pets at home sold me the Gibbi and algae eaters at same time.

Not sure exact dimensions of 5ft tank as dont have a tape to hand but its about 5ft long and id say 10 inches wide/deep and hmmmm 16 inches tall perhaps, its pretty big. Just dont have any money for the filter right now, did have one,an eheim powerball but it broke after one day of cycling in my hexagon tank, really want to use the big tank though, got big plans for it lol

where are you then if your local too me?

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