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  1. K

    Tmc Protein Skimmer V2 – 400 Plus Accessories

    Hi Morpheus1972, how much do you want for the skimmer?
  2. K

    Algae Encased Polyps

    I have a colony of beautiful neon green polyps which are being covered in green hair algae and so won't open. My water stats are all good but the algae keeps growing. I have a CUC of 6 black foot turbos, 6 black hermits and 2 halloween hermits. The only other inhabitants are a yellow watchman...
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    Marine Tank Breakdown Loads Up For Grabs

    Yeah that's what I thought....
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    Marine Tank Breakdown Loads Up For Grabs

    Are the power heads and skimmer still available?
  5. K


    The box is about 3ft by 2ft. How do you reccomend i keep them open?
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    they are on a mix of hay and woodshavings that I had left over form my hamster at the moment, but i am going to move them onto just hay. The box they are in is near a radiator so they have a cool side and a warm side. What do you mean by keep them open?
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    Well it was my birthday on monday and i went to the lfs to get some products when some chicks and ducklings caught my eye. So i brought a pair of adorable yellow ducklings home with me. They are housed in a plastic storage box at the moment with hay and woodshavings as substrate. The shop did...
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    Reef Set Up

    Sorry no updates rescently but I have been busy with the new pond being put in. My LFS has just got a new shippment from down under and they had some huge duncans corals, XXL for £99, ltes hope my three headed piece gets to that one day. They also had some nice Cataphyllia from £20 - £60. What...
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    Uses For Old Pond

    I am getting a new 750 litre preformed pond put in where my 150 currenlty is situated and I was wondering if there was anything i could keep in the 150? I could keep the pond indoors or outdoors.
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    Is It Me Or Is This A Bit Extreme?

    I dont tent to believe things from the sun. I was just researching snakeheads for fun and came across this, found it quite amusing.
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    Crazy Idea, Or Genius?

    A coldwater setup could be quite good, but I dont think I have ever seen any coldwater salty fish or inverts for sale at my lfs, except for the Horseshoe crabs which they keep in tropical conditions. The eels would be nice but would probable jump out. Pirhana could be a choice, but would they...
  12. K

    Is It Me Or Is This A Bit Extreme?

  13. K

    Crazy Idea, Or Genius?

    Ok well here goes. I am getting a new pond fitted tomorrow, it is going to be a 6ft long by 5ft wide by 5ft deep, which will mean that my current preformed pond is coming out and is going to be free. It is about 4ft long by 3ft wide by about 3ft deep. Now you may know where I am going with this...
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    Reef Set Up

    Thanks. I am writing from Toronto TO right now. It is a family thing so I had to come. Hopefully the hammer will be alrite, I saw it had settled well on the substrate, and I am still hoping it will be ok, maybe I am just being dillusional. any good shops in TO?
  15. K

    Reef Set Up

    Well here are some pictures of the poor thing: Here is after I cut it: Empty Sceleton: Any chances of a recovery? Here is a picture of one of the rics I bought from FishManFrags, my camera ran out of battery before I could take pics of the rest, I will have them up soon: On a...
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    Reef Set Up

    Well ive tried my best, but it looks bad. It has completely come away from the body now. I cut off a growth in the hope of it getting better but its not going well. I have put the bits that came off on the substrate hopefully things will get better. They still look green and quite healthy so i...
  17. K

    Reef Set Up

    Hi, the water is fine, i think it was too much flow. I have always thought the flow was too strong for my tank. I turned the powerhead off and now the hammer is back in position but stil ldetached. Hopefully if i leave it like that it will reattach? I guess i will have to posistion my flow...
  18. K

    Reef Set Up

    HELP!!!! I woke up tyis morning and found that part of the hammer has come out of its exoskeleton!! Wat does this mean? I hope its not dying, it is still attached to the rest of the soft body, but one side of it has detached from the skeleton! Urgent help please!
  19. K

    Reef Set Up

    Yes the Duncans coral would be well away from the hammer, so the stinging tenticals wouldnt be a problem. Can rics and normal mushrooms be placed near to each other?
  20. K

    Reef Set Up

    Ok, I think I will place the Duncans coral in the front on the sand under the rock holding the hammer. Do they have the ability to sting? How often do you think I should feed them, maybe feed them some pieces of mysis? Yes a ric garden would be a great idea! And that big ocean rock looks like a...
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    Reef Set Up

    Yes its all making sense to me now. I ordered two ricordeas and a three headed piece of duncans coral yesterday, where do you think I should place them?
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    Reef Set Up

    Oh really? I didn't know that, I just thought that because they are hard corals they like a lot of light. Thats why people keep them on the substrate in MH tanks....
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    Reef Set Up

    Sure no problem, I will try and get them done as soon as I can :) Yeah hammers are great, I was really suprised to see it doing so well under my lighting.
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    Reef Set Up

    Hi Seffie. Yes how the time has flown, feels like just the other week I was getting my first piece of live rock. Yes I will move the heater, I was just worried it might make the life in the rocks too hot. Yes he is a cool eel, I didnt used to use my powerehead as I thought it was too powerful...
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    Planted/ Community Tank

    Yeah he has grown since I first got him, but not as much now. My neighbour had a really fat one, like twice the thickness of mine, but not sure how it got that big. He got really big because he used to eat the pond fish I fed my pond fish, but now he is on tropical flakes so not as much growth.
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    Reef Set Up

    Thank you for the advise. I am well aware of the heartbreak of losing fish. My first set of fish all died due to the ich from and tang, and it was so devistating. I treated the tank with odinex for about 2months after all the fish had died, thats probably why there is no ich on the current fish...
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    Planted/ Community Tank

    Hi all! I am usually on the salty side of these forums but I thought it was about time I shared pictures of the biggest tank I have. Previously I kept my pond fish I here whilst waiting for them to grow, and then I was conemplating turning it inot a reef, but decided on a tropical set up because...
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    Reef Set Up

    UPDATE!!!! Sorry it has been a while since I last updated. I have been very busy with GCSE's and work experience. It has been a year this month since I began my adventure in the salty side of aquatics so I thought I should show everyone the progress that has been made: In the beginning - Now...
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    Good Online Site For Coral

    Thanks for the reccomendations. all the sites look good. I was wondering if any had cheaper delivery charges, but they all look like they are about £15.
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    Good Online Site For Coral

    I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a good online store to buy coral from. I have already looked at zoaphoria and fishmans frags. I am going to be ordering two haloween hermits, a 3 headed piece of duncans/whisker coral and a ric from there. The prices seem really good, my lfs had...
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    Final Fish

    yes I am aware that pods would be needed. I would look to get a mandarin that is eating frozen, as my tank is a year old now and should have a good number of pods. Is there any way to see how many you have in your tank? Any other suggestions, maybe some type of reef safe butterfly?
  32. K

    Final Fish

    Has anyone got any suggestions for a final fish for my reef? I currently have a honey damsel, african midas blenny, bi-colour angel and a small snowfake eel. It is a reef setup so has some hermits, coral and snails. I will be moving the snowflake eel into my bigger tank, which I am currently...
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    Coral Id Please!

    It looks like it could be a mushroom that has closed up. My hairy mushrooms do that at night and when a shrimp steps on them.
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    Quick Question About A Possible Addition

    Ok well i just came back from my holiday and i went to the lfs to buy some treats for the fishies when i saw a snowflake eel. It is about 6 inches and i was wondering if i could add this eel to my reef. My current inhabitants are a midas blenny, bicolour angel and a honey damsel which is about...
  35. K

    Building A Koi Pond

    Thanks for the info, I think I will be keeping goldfish and other smaller species instead. At the moment I have a few goldies, orfes and 2 ghost carp in a smaller pond and I know how big they get, so I think I will build a pond for them and maybe have on or two koi in a few years. What kind of...
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    Building A Koi Pond

    I have a fair amount of space available, but my parents dont want the whole garden beong used up. I would say an area of about 8ft square is available. I think I will stick with the liner as I am on a budget. Do I have to go with the gravity fed filter, or can I just install the filter normally...
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    Building A Koi Pond

    I am going to build a concrete pond in the next couple of weeks and I had a few questions. 1. What is the best type of brick to use? 2. What should the dimensions be? 3. Is there anything that I can use instead of liner? 4. If not what size liner should I buy? 5. Is there anything special I...
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    Tropical Tank Inhabitants

    Do you think I could keep an oscar in there? I know they get big, but maybe I could keep it in there for a while? The only things I would be worried about are it eating any of my fish, like the chinese algea eaters, and tearing up the plants once I put them in. If not are there any other...
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    Tropical Tank Inhabitants

    I currenlty feed sinking algea pellets, should i change this, how should i feed the other foods?
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    Common Plec And Weather Loach In Planted Tank?

    At the moment the plec is about 4 inches long, and the tank is 4ft long. I currently feed the plec sinking pellets once in a while, what kind of stuff should I feed him?