Coral Id Please!


Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA

Picture is kinda crappy, my dslr is out of commission at this time so it's a powershot picture.

The top one is greyish on the outside and green on the inside.
The bottom one is dark blue or black, i can't tell.

Also what is that worm looking thing? There are a few of them in the rocks. None of them are open

SEFFIE: I re-uploaded it smaller and circled the area with 2 corals.
:crazy: that picture took ages to load and then I can't even make out what you are talking about - really sorry the photo is not good enough for my eyes :rolleyes: I can however see the worm, but not what sort it is, not much help am i :crazy:

seffie x

hmm i uploaded it at photobucket, it's a big picture, if you can zoom in, there are 2 corals. I will circle them and repost.
It looks like it could be a mushroom that has closed up. My hairy mushrooms do that at night and when a shrimp steps on them.
yes it is a mushroom coral tthey will spred very quickly

what are ur water parameters just now including salt

regards scott
are mushroom coral bad?

Tank params are:

ammonia: 0.25ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 0 ppm
sg: 1.025
temp: 78F
phosphate: 0

don't have calc or kh test yet.
They do look like mushrooms :good: also looks like you are at the start of your cycle woo hoo

Seffie x


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