Reef Set Up

HELP!!!! I woke up tyis morning and found that part of the hammer has come out of its exoskeleton!! Wat does this mean? I hope its not dying, it is still attached to the rest of the soft body, but one side of it has detached from the skeleton! Urgent help please!

hi sorry about nudging you earlier!! i just didnt read your posts carefully :unsure: my baddd.

have you checked your water params? also a pic plz.

how was it before? was it doing well or showing symptoms already?
Hi, the water is fine, i think it was too much flow. I have always thought the flow was too strong for my tank. I turned the powerhead off and now the hammer is back in position but stil ldetached. Hopefully if i leave it like that it will reattach? I guess i will have to posistion my flow differently now, but the only problem is that my eel is living in the powerhead again!
Have a read of the coral of the week - euphyllias

Eric Bourneman believes this may be a form of reproduction :good:

Seffie x
Well ive tried my best, but it looks bad. It has completely come away from the body now. I cut off a growth in the hope of it getting better but its not going well. I have put the bits that came off on the substrate hopefully things will get better. They still look green and quite healthy so i dont know wat is wrong. I will get some pics up later. I am devestated, it was my favourite coral.
Ah, sounds like it has dropped its head then, you were right when you said about flow - if your water stats are fine then it will be that :crazy: Euphyllias really don't like a lot of flow and they bail out of their skeleton

I am also a hammer lover, they are just glorious aren't they

Seffie x
Well here are some pictures of the poor thing:




Here is after I cut it:



Empty Sceleton:


Any chances of a recovery?

Here is a picture of one of the rics I bought from FishManFrags, my camera ran out of battery before I could take pics of the rest, I will have them up soon:


On a slightly brighter note, I went to Pets at Home earlier to buy some holiday food for my tropical tank, as I am going to Canada tomorrow and I saw a great tank. It was the Fluval Vicenza 260. It looks like a great tank with a very good, practical design. It was on offer as well for £439. My mum was with me and said I might be able to get it as an early birthday present in a week when I get back from Canada, if I find the space for it. It really is a display tank so it needs a good spot. It looks big enough for my snowflake when hes bigger, and looks like it could be very good for a reef, or maybe a partial reef. Here is a link:Fluval 260

What do you think, maybe a possible Journal?
Well here are some pictures of the poor thing:




Here is after I cut it:



Empty Sceleton:


Any chances of a recovery?

Here is a picture of one of the rics I bought from FishManFrags, my camera ran out of battery before I could take pics of the rest, I will have them up soon:


On a slightly brighter note, I went to Pets at Home earlier to buy some holiday food for my tropical tank, as I am going to Canada tomorrow and I saw a great tank. It was the Fluval Vicenza 260. It looks like a great tank with a very good, practical design. It was on offer as well for £439. My mum was with me and said I might be able to get it as an early birthday present in a week when I get back from Canada, if I find the space for it. It really is a display tank so it needs a good spot. It looks big enough for my snowflake when hes bigger, and looks like it could be very good for a reef, or maybe a partial reef. Here is a link:Fluval 260

What do you think, maybe a possible Journal?

which part of canada are you going to!? vancouver bc? if so i can recommend some really good fish stores to you :p :p might be wierd but this is wat i do everytime i go to a foreign country.. go to fish stores.. muhahahahha :hey: :hey:

and about the rest i am honestly not sure, the "pros" will answer soon i think :good: GL with the hammer!
You may save the hammer that you have fragged, just ensure it is not in too much flow, just a gentle flow :good:

Looking forward to seeing the rest of your corals from FMF

The Osaka's are nice tanks, good choice, however rather expensive! for that money you could get a much better deal second hand

Enjoy your trip to Canada

Seffie x

ps you must have a great mum, a trip to Cananda and a new tank for your birthday :kana:
Thanks. I am writing from Toronto TO right now. It is a family thing so I had to come. Hopefully the hammer will be alrite, I saw it had settled well on the substrate, and I am still hoping it will be ok, maybe I am just being dillusional. any good shops in TO?
Sorry no updates rescently but I have been busy with the new pond being put in. My LFS has just got a new shippment from down under and they had some huge duncans corals, XXL for £99, ltes hope my three headed piece gets to that one day. They also had some nice Cataphyllia from £20 - £60. What is the care needs for these guys? I have read the lately they do not live for over a year or so and slowly degrade, it this true?
I would love an australian large duncan, its on my list :good:

many people have said the same about Cats, seems they are suffering in some way and just waste away. but again, they are on my wish list, a nice purple tip that has been sitting in a reefers tank for over a year :nod: I wouldn't buy one from a lfs

Seffie x

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