Reef Set Up

Thank you for the advise. I am well aware of the heartbreak of losing fish. My first set of fish all died due to the ich from and tang, and it was so devistating. I treated the tank with odinex for about 2months after all the fish had died, thats probably why there is no ich on the current fish. I dont really see how I am rushing as the clowns are the first additions I have made in about 2 months, but I appreaciate the advise.
Hi Kaush

:hi: back, it's lovely to see your tank a year on, hasn't time flown by - must admit am loving the new look of the tank, only thing I would do is hide the heater behind the rock :good:

Must admit, i'm not a fan of eels, but your snowflake looks real cute, pocking his head out, what does he live in?

Your midas blenny is :drool: is he a funny little chap?

Might be a trick of the camera but you don't seem to have much surface agitation or flow, this could account for your leather sulking - i would be inclined to move it down to the sand bed and increase flow just above its head, flow is really important to leathers, much more so than lighting


Seffie x
Hi Seffie. Yes how the time has flown, feels like just the other week I was getting my first piece of live rock.

Yes I will move the heater, I was just worried it might make the life in the rocks too hot. Yes he is a cool eel, I didnt used to use my powerehead as I thought it was too powerful for the tank, so he used to live in there, but now he lives inder the main rock.

Yes the midas is a funny dude. Always looking for food when I come near the tank, and turns a dark brown when I dont feed him, probably sulking.

I did not know that leathers needed more flow than light. I always thought to put him near the top because I dont have a lot of light, and he is the biggest coral. The surface aggitation is there, but I will move him lowere, thanks.
Forgot to ask, would you be a honey and add your corals and fish plus your experiences to the coral and fish of the week, there are several which apply to your tank:

Tang - even though it was a sad experience


etc :good:

oh and also, what a bargain your hammer was :good: one of my favourite corals

Seffie x
Sure no problem, I will try and get them done as soon as I can :)

Yeah hammers are great, I was really suprised to see it doing so well under my lighting.
Oh really? I didn't know that, I just thought that because they are hard corals they like a lot of light. Thats why people keep them on the substrate in MH tanks....
Oh really? I didn't know that, I just thought that because they are hard corals they like a lot of light. Thats why people keep them on the substrate in MH tanks....

They keep them on the sand to be as far away from the halides as possible :good:

Seffie x
Yes its all making sense to me now. I ordered two ricordeas and a three headed piece of duncans coral yesterday, where do you think I should place them?
Just popped off to look at your fts


Duncans like low flow, so somewhere away from your powerheads, as long as you feed them well (they are little piggies) they should be ok without masses of light

The ricordias - how about sticking them on that lovely big piece of rock and starting a ricordia garden?

Seffie x
Ok, I think I will place the Duncans coral in the front on the sand under the rock holding the hammer. Do they have the ability to sting? How often do you think I should feed them, maybe feed them some pieces of mysis? Yes a ric garden would be a great idea! And that big ocean rock looks like a great spot. Thanks!
Ok, I think I will place the Duncans coral in the front on the sand under the rock holding the hammer. Do they have the ability to sting? How often do you think I should feed them, maybe feed them some pieces of mysis? Yes a ric garden would be a great idea! And that big ocean rock looks like a great spot. Thanks!

they need to be at least four or five inches away from the hammer :good: I would try feeding them every day with mysis, yes, and see what happens.

That rock would look great with a ric garden on it

Seffie x
Yes the Duncans coral would be well away from the hammer, so the stinging tenticals wouldnt be a problem. Can rics and normal mushrooms be placed near to each other?
HELP!!!! I woke up tyis morning and found that part of the hammer has come out of its exoskeleton!! Wat does this mean? I hope its not dying, it is still attached to the rest of the soft body, but one side of it has detached from the skeleton! Urgent help please!

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