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  1. J

    Check This Out

    and just like that it all makes sense... :beer:
  2. J

    Puffer Show Offs Please Check This Out!

    I have two colomesus asellus and they are great puffers. I keep them in my 55 gal community tank. They are great because they are one of the least aggressive species and can be kept in a community. The only downfall is that their teeth grow so fast you have to clip them about twice a year...
  3. J

    Check This Out

    what are you a salesmen for nutrafin?
  4. J

    Fish Kicking Up Sand

    i know this might sounds like a stupid question but he always gets sand on the heater as well and the sand just sits there. could that be a problem too?
  5. J

    Fish Kicking Up Sand

    thanks for all the great advice guys.. haha i was hoping i didnt have to go for option 2
  6. J

    Fish Kicking Up Sand

    if anyone could reply i would love some advice
  7. J

    Fish Kicking Up Sand

    does anyone have any big fish in their tank that sit on the bottom and then shoot up real quick and kick up (flip up?) large quanities of sand? My big pleco does this and I'm worried its gonna destroy the filter. If it matters its a filstar xp4 filter.
  8. J

    New Guppy Fry

    there is an angel fish in the tank and he will surely eat all of i will try to move some media from the other filter into the ten gallon so some can survive.
  9. J

    Pleco In An African Tank

    thats awesome because he is huge (around 12-14 inches) and is in a tank way to small for him (55gallons). The african tank is 120gal so hell love that. You think hell be better off in the 120 with the ph at 8.2 (with proper acclimation) then in the 55 with the 7.2 ph. Also I am slowly raising...
  10. J

    Guppy Breeding Details Plz

    this is a very amusing topic :beer:
  11. J

    Bit Of A Morbid Question

    I always drop mine down the toilet........ Big ones should probably be buried though, or frozen until trash day.........
  12. J

    New Guppy Fry

    I have about 40 guppy fry and they will probably get eaten in the community tank they are in. I have a 10 gallon tank that has no water in it as well. If I used substrate from the mature tank and used the water from the mature tank and put it in the 10 gallon tank would the fry be able to survive?
  13. J

    Pleco In An African Tank

    Is it possible to keep a common pleco in an african tank? If so how do you acclimate him properly? If it is one of those things where he will be able to stand the ph difference but in the long run it will cause unwanted stress and eventually kill him I do not want to do it, but if it is...
  14. J


    im not sure what type of filter that is. Do you know how many gallons per hour it cycles the water? most people on here say about 5 times the amount of water in the tank is a good number (i.e if your tank is 20 gallons a filter that pushes out 100 gallons an hour or gph as its called would be...
  15. J


    you should probably be alright as long as your tank is cycled and you have good filtration :thumbs:
  16. J


    what do you mean dosed your tanks?
  17. J

    I Want Something To Put In A 10 Gallon

    Id do a beta tank. they are nice looking and have great personalities. You could also do south american puffers (they are freshwater)
  18. J


    If I had bio-spira out of the refrigerator for about an hour and a half at room temperature would it still work properly? :huh:
  19. J

    Tanganyika Rock?

    hellkef that looks great!!! did you glue those rocks together?
  20. J

    Labidochromis Caeruleus Is "flashing" Like It Has Ich - But

    If you have a spare tank you can go to your lfs and get african cichild salt. It should have all the essential minerals and salts they need. You can also get african cichlid buffer to raise the ph. The lfs I went to had malawi and tangenikan (spelling?) specific buffers to make everything...
  21. J

    Labidochromis Caeruleus Is "flashing" Like It Has Ich - But

    thanks for backing me up.... to live the longest, healthiest and happiest life they can, their natural enviroment should be as closely simulated as possible
  22. J

    Labidochromis Caeruleus Is "flashing" Like It Has Ich - But

    yeah man if you want the labs to have a long and happy life you should get them into an african specific tank. They need minerals and salts in their water plus ALOT HIGHER PH
  23. J

    Front Tank

    haha for the money they cost they will be pampered!!
  24. J

    Front Tank

    you dont happen to know what species of fronts they are do you? and thanks again for the advice
  25. J

    Front Tank

    and if you guys have any ideas better aquascaping ideas (that dont cost an arm and a leg!) that would be cool too. I just threw in some decorations from one of my old tanks to give them some extra hiding spots and to make the tank look less empty
  26. J

    Front Tank

    ok heres some of the pics (thanks again waterbender) i couldnt figure out how to upload pics but heres the link
  27. J

    Front Tank

    thanks for the advice. thats annoying that you cant just upload them. im doing it as we speak tho (photobucket)
  28. J

    Front Tank

    just got my fronts yesterday!!!! i have pics but do not know how to upload them. can anyone help?
  29. J

    Yea For Free Fish...

    thats awesome man! i wish i could find a free 300 gallon tank!
  30. J

    Discus Tank Mates

    did i read this topic right? someone said that common plecos are known for sucking on fish???
  31. J

    Empty Tank

    so do zero responses mean that its not a good idea?
  32. J

    Empty Tank

    Hey guys I was wondering how many of each fish would be the best way to keep them all healthy and happy. I want to mix blue acaras, oscars and severums. I have a 4ft by 2ft by 2ft tank (120g). What would be the best combination to keep all those guys happy? WHat about firemouths? could I add...
  33. J

    Best Tank Mates For Frontosa

    thank you for the advice. im gonna look up some more fish and look into getting more rock for the aquarium. if my ph is at 7.4 should I try and mess with it?
  34. J

    Best Tank Mates For Frontosa

    Do you think I could do a school of yellow labs with a small group of fronts?I noticed that they both like the same ph and temp and have semi-aggresive nature. Or would the fronts eat them when they get bigger? I would add them all at the same time. Should I set the rocks up in a way that the...
  35. J

    Best Tank Mates For Frontosa

    yes I was quite confused myself where all this aggression came from. I thought my question to start this topic was relatively harmless. Some people...
  36. J

    Best Tank Mates For Frontosa

    will do.. It will be a while before I get them. I just got my tank up and running two days ago and I need to get the tank cycled and all that jazz. It should be established within a month. I'm also not 100percent on getting the fronts. I may do a different cichlid tank or I may do a fahaka...
  37. J

    Best Tank Mates For Frontosa

    Thanks man I really appreciate it. I have a 120standard 4ft by 2ft by 2ft. I dont get why people are being crazy when I asked a simple question. But seriously though thanks for the advice and thanks for sticking up for me :good: !!!
  38. J

    Best Tank Mates For Frontosa

    i dont understand why you would assume I would not research fronts before buying them. Most aquarists research fish before buying them to give them the optimal living conditions. And the salt thing was hearsay and I stated it was hearsay. It just sounds like your questioning my ability to take...
  39. J

    Tank In An Open Area

    ok i went out and spent the extra money and got the Rena Filstar xp4. It looks great and is very inconspicious. It is also almost silent! I know see why these are so much more money then HOB filters! thanks for all the help guys
  40. J

    Best Tank Mates For Frontosa

    If its not true correct me but that is what the guy at the lfs said. Not to the degree of brackish water or marine, but he said that the lake that they come from has a traces of salt, and that they live the most comfortable in it. but please correct me if this is wrong. haha it would be easier...