Discus Tank Mates


My lights are pretty strong

What wattage have you got on your tank DL? You don't need much as you are not growing plants- you only need enough to view the fish really. Too much light can spook fish especially if they don't have much cover. In a bare bottom Discus(in a grow out tank particularly) you should just remove and siphon out most of the algae as you do water changes.
I have used duckweed before with a mixture of results.

Some good as it reduces the nutrient level in the water and hugely slows down algae growth.

Some bad because it will double in number everytime you look at the tank and if you dont remove some for three or for days the entire surface will be covered.

If you do use it make sure you stay on top of it.

did i read this topic right? someone said that common plecos are known for sucking on fish???

My lights are pretty strong

What wattage have you got on your tank DL? You don't need much as you are not growing plants- you only need enough to view the fish really. Too much light can spook fish especially if they don't have much cover. In a bare bottom Discus(in a grow out tank particularly) you should just remove and siphon out most of the algae as you do water changes.

No, I am growing plants. I only got a few potted guys in there at the moment.
You don't fancie a bit of dwarf riccia to shade the tank?People will actually buy it when you have too much :nod: lol
You prefer the bright light, I doubt the discus do.

They don't mind it, it isn't like they are F1's or anything. They have been tank bred in bright light, and I see no difference in behavior when the lights are turned off. Even Jack Wattley said in a letter, that stuff like black water extract do nothing to for the Discus, so I don't worry.
What type of algae are you having? Different types of fish prefer different types of algae. Rose barbs will usually eat hair algae. Otos and BN's will usually eat brown algae. Some shrimp will eat brush algae, brown algae, & I believe hair algae.

Common plecos will eat anything, unfortunately, as they get larger, they will require more to eat. They especially love the slime coating inside the tank. Unfortunately, discus produce the slime coating. Once they acquire the taste from the discus slime coat, they would prefer it.

BN's are fine, they stay small, but you need to keep them well fed. My preference are Gold Nuggets. They seem to eat some algae as well.
What type of algae are you having? Different types of fish prefer different types of algae. Rose barbs will usually eat hair algae. Otos and BN's will usually eat brown algae. Some shrimp will eat brush algae, brown algae, & I believe hair algae.

Common plecos will eat anything, unfortunately, as they get larger, they will require more to eat. They especially love the slime coating inside the tank. Unfortunately, discus produce the slime coating. Once they acquire the taste from the discus slime coat, they would prefer it.

BN's are fine, they stay small, but you need to keep them well fed. My preference are Gold Nuggets. They seem to eat some algae as well.

Haha. Don't worry eddie, I understand all about the slime coat issue and Discus. The algae that I am having is what I believe to be blue green. But I am not exactly sure. I really don't want to risk any pleco, I personally wouldn't put any type in with Discus. I got the algae under control, I just have to do some more algae scraping, I should be good.
ive been really lucky in my discus tank i dont get any algae in my tank at all apart from the odd green dot tank has been set up about 1.5 years

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