Tank In An Open Area


Fish Fanatic
Sep 19, 2007
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Hey guys I just got a tank and put it out in the open ( not against the wall). Whats the best filter to get that will not look monstrous (like a hang on back filter). Oh yeah its a standard 120 4ft by 2ft by 2ft. And (if it matters) it has a sand bottom.

I wrote this post because I initially purchased two emp. 400s and realized I can't have my tank out in the open with those guys because of how big they are.

Thanks in advance!
Hello and welcome to the forum. :hi:

For your situation, I would suggest a couple externals that can be put under the stand and all you have coming up from the back is the hoses. I have externals on my 75 gallon and it sits 2" from the wall and could be closer. Mine are Fluvals 304s (old model, now they have a 305) and have worked great for 2+ years. I guess you would need the 405s. Most others on here seem to prefer Eheim over Fluval though.
I know there are filtration systems that all fit in the aquarium hood, but I dont know much about them as far as if they do the job well or not.
The other option of course is internal filters. Then you wouldn't have anything outside the tank except the power cords but IMO internals take up too much room in the tank and are eye-sores.
thanks for the great advice! would 1 fluval 405 work? also what about canister filters? Ive only ever used hang on back thats why im asking so many questions.
Canisters and externals are the same thing. In the UK those are about all that is used. After having used both HOBs and canisters, I wouldn't bu another HOB unless it was for a small tank. If I ever have to replace the filter on my 29 gallon, it will be with an external. I don't think 1 will be enough.. They are rated at 340gph so you would be processing the water less than 3 times an hour. General rule of thmb is at least 5 times an hour. 2 of them would get you 680 which would be fine.
I don't know much about the marineland canister filters but I would have to say that I love my Fluval. I bought it 9 or 10 years ago, used it for a couple of years then stored it for 8 years and it still workes great :) It's versitle too. i would love to see a picture of where you have your tank setup too.
magnums are an old line of canisters but ive heard some good rep about them.
i will definitly post pics. it might be a few days though. I want to put all the decor in the tank and get it up an running!I would be all about getting the fluvals but I'm pretty sure they are almost 200 dollars each. and just one won't filter my tank!
ok i went out and spent the extra money and got the Rena Filstar xp4. It looks great and is very inconspicious. It is also almost silent! I know see why these are so much more money then HOB filters! thanks for all the help guys
ah, i love my rena xp3, there very easy to get into as well, unplug, flick a few switches, and your done.
Never had a Rena filter but if their filters are as good as their air pumps, you should be very happy with it. Their APs are very good.

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