Front Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 19, 2007
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just got my fronts yesterday!!!! i have pics but do not know how to upload them. can anyone help?
host your pictures somewhere like FLICKR.COM or PHOTOBUCKET.COM. After you've done that copy/paste the URL to each picture to the little box ^^ up there thats between the green + sign and the email link tab. (Insert Image tab is what you need) paste it in the box.
good luck, hope to see thepics soon!
thanks for the advice. thats annoying that you cant just upload them. im doing it as we speak tho (photobucket)
Once you get familiar w/ bucket you really might like the fact you have ALL pics in one place. I LOVE its easier then bucket and there are groups you can join and share your pics for just about ANY topic, even FISH!!
and if you guys have any ideas better aquascaping ideas (that dont cost an arm and a leg!) that would be cool too. I just threw in some decorations from one of my old tanks to give them some extra hiding spots and to make the tank look less empty

you've put the link to the whole page. not advised since people out there can and WILL steal your photos
use the direct link code, paste it into the url box when you click the tab. 4th one over from the left starting with wrap in code tab.
you dont happen to know what species of fronts they are do you? and thanks again for the advice
6 stripe, Cyphotilapia "North" Burundi but to really know, you'll have to wait for point of origin (besides someones breeder tank of course, I mean from the lake it's self)when their full grown and all their glory comes out! Take good care of these fish, pamper them, they'll be with you for a long time!

make sure you go to the bottom of the page and click the blue arrow, "proceed to map"

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