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    well.... :unsure:
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    People Pictures

    :lol: i'm sorry. :sick: ......... :lol: :lol: :lol: that's funny.
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    you got me!!! :P but i still want to know will it be ok by himself for life in the 10 gallon?
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    i meen i just got him today.
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    i just my puffer today and put it in my tank with my jewel cichlid and my electric yellow lab, the puffer killed the cichlid but is totally fine with my yellow lab, will a 10 gallon tank be good for my one puffer for life? he has plenty of room right now and has many hidding spots.
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    ok, now i'm thinking about to move all the fish except the puffer into my moms 60 gallon tank, only fish in there are 2 parots, will this be better for all fish, and will my puffer be happy in the 10 for life?
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    i need advise

    they are only in there for about a month, i dought they will be bad were i have to split them up.
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    i need advise

    they look like they are getting along just fine, no conflicts or anything. and if you watch a puffer you can see the change colors realy fast then back again.... it's awsome.
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    i need advise

    ok just got back, i just got a spotted puffer, don't worry i am still getting a 30 gallon for christmas!!! he's doing well with the others.
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    i need advise

    yeah, i changed my mind because i got my new fellows.
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    i need advise

    i know my tank is crowed right now, but i have to go to the local fish store soon, i need your guy's advise. i still have my to brichardi's but my lfs owner said i can get full trade for what they are worth, what should i get, i am thinking of a pleco because it will keep my algae...
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    Tank Cycled - At Last!!!!!!!!!

    i think it was 2-3 fish per week if you have a 25-30 gallon.
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    tank pics

    i forgot, click on gallery on top of the page.
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    tank pics

    something like on piranha fury, if you don't know what i'm talking about then please go here ---> piranha fury
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    Conerting from Gravel to Sand

    well if you don't want to wait you can leeve a small layer of gavel and put sand on top of that or you can wait like a month by doing a 1/5-1/3 gravel change every week.
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    Queen Angelfish

    sounds like you have enough room right now. you could probley get 2 more angels.
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    ocien scene

    have any of you tried making you freshwater tanks look like a salt water tank, mine sorta does besides i have no coral decorations (fake), if i get a couple it would look like a saltwater tank with my electric yellow and jewel cichlid. what do you think? should i or should i stick with the...
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    similar to yellow electric

    ok, never mind folks, i think my cichlid was scared, when he got use to the new tank he started flaring. i can clearly see the black line. my bad!!!
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    any one knows

    do any of you know what is compatible with an electris yellow? list as many as possible, thanks!
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    similar to yellow electric

    a just got a small yellow fish that looks like a yellow electric but mine doesn't have that black line on the fin like the electric, what could it be?
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    Messing around

    i mess with my tank mabey about ounce a week, i can't get my tank just right yet, but i'm close.
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    Im a cheapskate!!

    i think KnuckleHead is asking about sand costs, mabey at your local fish store.
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    do i have enough room?

    c'mon, i'm going to the lfs in 45 minute.
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    do i have enough room?

    can i?
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    Please tell me what this is.....

    it looks like some king of algae or fungis. you should test your water.
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    ok i cheated the system, i put my air stone in my filter right were the water flows and i get a good amount of air without stering up my sand.
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    do i have enough room?

    you think i can pull it off ok? the tank is quite roomy and isn't crowded as some of you may have in mind....
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    dead bloodworm

    of course.
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    do i have enough room?

    i have two brichardi's and one is about 3.8'' and the other is about3.1'', my quetion is do i have enough room for on more 3-4'' fish? the fish i'm getting i'm not sure of its name but its from when i puchased these two guys, i just can't leave their old buddy behind!
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    okay hit me upside the head...

    well if you only have bay mollies in your 10 gallon, then take out 2.5 gallons of your tank water and put it in you 2.5 gallon, thenyou can refill your 10 and get more fish.
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    My tank

    i like it alot! :wub:
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    Baby angelfish

    i would go with the devideir idea, i think that will work out for a while, then just add both to the 20 gallon.
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    5 hours of work, gravel gone

    ohhh, you do got fish, am i bad...
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    5 hours of work, gravel gone

    nice, now you just got to get some fish!
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    thanks for your posts.
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    150 gallon pics

    no that book is ####! :lol:
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    Dried Blood Worms And Brine Shrimp

    yeah, as long as your fish like meat then you'll be just fine, if a fish is conavore then they will eat pretty much anything.
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    150 gallon pics

    that is one hell of a tank, i would pay big dollars to have a tank like that! :kewlpics: :kana: :kewlpics:
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    150 gallon pics

    i think those are pacu's