
A.K.A Zak

Fish Crazy
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Ohio, Orient
i just my puffer today and put it in my tank with my jewel cichlid and my electric yellow lab, the puffer killed the cichlid but is totally fine with my yellow lab, will a 10 gallon tank be good for my one puffer for life? he has plenty of room right now and has many hidding spots.
Killed one already, now I don't do this very often but I gotta say I told you so :p Last you said they were all getting on well, you definately want to split them before your lab gets topped as well
Short answer is no, a 10g is not big enough to house a green spotted puffer for life.

Also do you realise that the GSP is a brackish fish and that they are a highly predatory species which will eat its prey a bit at a time.
For a GSP you want a min. of 20 gal (with frequent water changes) a 30 gal would be better. As CFC mentions it is a BW fish, they can do Ok in FW for a while but will eventually begin to get sick a lot.
As Lithril says you really need to get the other cichlid out before it becomes an ex-cichlid.

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