
A.K.A Zak

Fish Crazy
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Ohio, Orient
i have a pretty nice filter and it gives off a good amount of oxygen in the rank, mabey about 1/11 of my air stone. i have hair algae in my tank and it gives off some oxygen so would it be safe to take out the air stone, i think the air stone uplifts alot of the sand that's why its cloudy all the time, so would it?
if your filter is powerful enough, and it breaks up the surface enough, you most likely don't even need the airstone
air stones don't do a huge amount, how bigs your tank and how heavily stocked is it? If its not heavily stocked then sure take out the airstone.
the air stone really isn't necessary, more of a nice decoration if you like bubbles :p
ok i unpluged my pump and not as much air coms out, mabey about 20-30 bubles at a time, can i go on with out worring?
A.K.A Zak said:
I'm confused and that's why I didn't reply earlier and let others.

Exactly what filter do you have and what fish? That will help a lot instead of saying "filter" ;)

Also what size is your airstone?
If you have a power filter which creates movement on the surface there is no need for a airstone, it is as mentioned just there for decoration.

IMO the only time a airstone is needed is when trying to breed bubblenest building fish and the bubbles provide some surface movement where a power filter would destroy the nest or a lower power filter is being used for some other reason.
ok i cheated the system, i put my air stone in my filter right were the water flows and i get a good amount of air without stering up my sand.

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