i need advise

A.K.A Zak

Fish Crazy
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Ohio, Orient
i know my tank is crowed right now, but i have to go to the local fish store soon, i need your guy's advise. i still have my to brichardi's but my lfs owner said i can get full trade for what they are worth, what should i get, i am thinking of a pleco because it will keep my algae down............. anything i shoutld get?
Hang on last thing I heard you were trying to grow as much algae as possible cos it looked good and now you want to keep it down??? Bristlenose Plecos only grow to 5"long and are ideal for a 10 gal tank, do a really good job too.
Most pleco grow really big. I have a bristlenose and a common pleco. They both do a good job. My LFS will take pleco back when they get too big for your tank if yours is the same you could get a small pleco and when he outgrows your tank you could switch him. Pleco do add a lot to your bio load. If you have a 10G you could get a few snails instead if you don't have plants. They do a great job cleaning the tank. I have 2 apple 2 ramshorn, they are great. I also have ghost shrimp in my 10G they are really interesting and keep the tank really clean. The snails and shrimp don't count in the fish per gallon rule.
ok just got back, i just got a spotted puffer, don't worry i am still getting a 30 gallon for christmas!!! he's doing well with the others.
Puffer as well, you'd better hope he doesn't start getting grouchy or the cichlids don't start bothering him otherwise you'll wake up one morning to be minus a cichlid or 2.
they look like they are getting along just fine, no conflicts or anything. and if you watch a puffer you can see the change colors realy fast then back again.... it's awsome.
Yup I keep puffers but in a species tank, still think you're gonna get problems, they're not known for their kind nature I'm afraid.
they are only in there for about a month, i dought they will be bad were i have to split them up.

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