Search results

  1. E

    How Can I Breed Snails

    there r apple snails in different colour for sale if i buy two will they both breed together ???? how old to snails live for ???? how many babies to they have ???? can snails go with tercas & a plec ????
  2. E

    2 Ft Tank What Fish Can I Put In This Tank

    wots the biggest fish i can fit in there
  3. E

    2 Ft Tank What Fish Can I Put In This Tank

    hi seen a 2 ft tank for sale just wondering what fish can i put in it a part from a terca ect i want something bigger
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    How Can I Breed Snails

    i mean pond snails can i keep them in there
  5. E

    How Can I Breed Snails

    i have a water features which won't stink can i breed them in there than can they die if the cold
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    How Can I Breed Snails

    or am i wrong ????
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    How Can I Breed Snails

    do they eat veg :blink:
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    I Like To Indro

    what breed he ? :wub:
  9. E

    How Can I Breed Snails

    i have a 2 ft long tank with 1 plec & 4 terca in could breed in there
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    How Can I Breed Snails

    Trumpet Snails Apple Snails wot r they like to breed :) how old b4 they start breeding
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    How Can I Breed Snails

    how do i breed snails
  12. E

    Does Anyone Where I Can Get Some Aquababies From

    does anyone where i can get some AquaBabies from in the nw england :)
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    Hi All

    hello welcome bck what did you do :)
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    Help Find Homes For Dogs From A Rescue In Nw Uk

    No. 2 gone to centre :hyper: :D
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    Help! Are They Ok Together & Is My Tank The Right Size

    i dont know :S but if you look at the bck of this tank you can see 1 which is the same but bigger
  16. E

    Help Find Homes For Dogs From A Rescue In Nw Uk

    No. 2 = Whippet X type *****, approx 2-3 years old, recently had puppies, again a sweet but scared little dog. PTS date - Saturday 26th November. gone No. 3 = Male Collie X, only small and only young, lovely dog. PTS date - Thursday 24th November. No. 4 = Collie type *****, approx 8 years...
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    My Pet Dwarf...

    lovely :wub: :wub:
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    I Like To Indro

    charged :look: :lol: :D
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    Halloween Pics

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    Help! Are They Ok Together & Is My Tank The Right Size

    sadly because my tank was broken :-( & i did nt have the space in my other tanks:( & they are now living in my auntie tank & r v happy there :) but i do miss them a lot :sad: :sad: :-( here they are
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    I Like To Indro

    <<<<<<<<<<<<<do you mean that fish
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    Help! Are They Ok Together & Is My Tank The Right Size

    i have at the moment in there 1 plec 4 tetras
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    I Like To Indro

  24. E

    Help! Are They Ok Together & Is My Tank The Right Size

    hi after my parrot fish deading :rip: here he is & my tank has now broken & in the bin :( i thinking of gettin a another parrot fish & clown loachs & putting them in this tank with this fish will they be ok together ( now there 1 plec 4 small fish ) pic of tank the tank is 2 ft long...
  25. E

    How Long To Gold Fish Live For ?

    :hyper: :hyper: 1 of the tank is like 1 of my tank but bigger it cost me £350 & on ebay it £40 & its biggger :hyper: i never go on ebay really i think i going to get a accont
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    Pictures Of My Tanks

    yep i have just looked great pics there :D
  27. E

    Clownin Around

    :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: how big is yr tank it must fill a room :lol:
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    Pictures Of My Tanks

    thanks :)
  29. E

    Pictures Of My Tanks

    oh -_- sorry did nt see that :look:
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    Clownin Around

    :hyper: how big r they heres my
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    I Like To Indro

    well done :) its my 45 post :fun:
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    Pictures Of My Tanks

    yes the colourful 1s i hate them :crazy:
  33. E

    Pictures Of My Tanks

    it so funny coz my fish swim in & out again & again of the stuff :lol: great to watch
  34. E

    Pictures Of My Tanks

    oh i love all that stuff :lol: lots in my tanks
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    Pictures Of My Tanks

    thanks :)
  36. E

    Some Pictures From My Tank

    great pics :wub: :)
  37. E

    Pictures Of My Tanks

    he's my parrot fish he's so cool :wub: :D
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    Pictures Of My Tanks

    what ???? :)