How Can I Breed Snails

i have a water features which won't stink
can i breed them in there than
can they die if the cold
Snails suck!!!!!(literaly, physically and figuratively)!!!!!! I have been at war with the little buggers for over a year now. I do not want to know how to breed them but how to stop them from breeding. Some loaches do fine in keeping them at bay, salt helps and squshing the varmints on the glass gets your hands wet. Bristle-nose Catfish/(Plecos), for algea control, are much more fun to watch then snails and even they just sit around for the better part of the day.
Apple snails need to be kept in a warm tank, cold tanks will kill them, they are tropical.

Don't know about Trumpet snails.
i mean pond snails can i keep them in there
Snails are so easy to breed that they become a menace, right? Well, ironically, whenever I go to my LFS, there are no snails...always out of stock. There are 3 stores in my area and thats the case with all three of them.

If I go out of my way and go to some better shops, I do find snails, but only apple snails. No malaysian trumpets and other varieties. I have a planted tank, and I like snails, so a malaysian trumpet would be a good choice. My only chance is a shop that imports fish..

Pond snails native to where you live will be fine if introduced to your water feature. However, they might be very difficult to see.
I had one when I was little in a tank in the kitchen. It was on it's own and had babies and died with all its insides hanging outside - so be warned!
there r apple snails in different colour for sale if i buy two will they both breed together ????

how old to snails live for ????

how many babies to they have ????

can snails go with tercas & a plec ????
there r apple snails in different colour for sale if i buy two will they both breed together ????

Dont know :/

how old to snails live for ????

I don't know, but quite a long time, when they are born, they're tiny, and get really big.

how many babies to they have ????

Again, I have no idea, but I guess the numbers would go in hundreds

can snails go with tercas & a plec ????

Yes, I think they will be ok with the pleco. Never heard of a terca though
i mean tetra

im dylexic so get the spelling wrong sometimes :look:

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